ME3 Manual

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ME3 Documentation Craig Durland 8/88 10/91 1/93 5/93


  ME3 is a small, portable, extensible [GNU] Emacs' like editor.  This
document describes how individual commands work - it is light on general usage. If you need to learn Emacs, look at the GNU, Goslings or Unipress Emacs manuals.

		     Copyright 1991 Craig Durland
    Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
  Distributed "as is", without warranties of any kind, but comments,
	       suggestions and bug reports are welcome.


Soft keys and Function keys


  When describing characters or keys, the character itself is used if it
is printable. Unprintable characters are made printable using 3 or more printable characters. For example, the letter "A" is printable but control-A is not and so the code "C-a" is used to describe it. The table below shows the various codes needed to map the unprintable keys.

Prefix Meaning

  C-	Control key.
  F-	Function or soft key such as f1, Home, etc.
  M-	Meta key.  See META in the GLOSSARY.
  S-	Shift.  This only applies to function keys.

   This is a list of "extended" keys - those not covered by ASCII.  ME
maps these keys to 3 or more ASCII codes. Ignore the ME key column unless you are binding keys. The keyboard column is the key on the keyboard you press to generate the ME key which (unless rebound) fires off the function listed in the Bound to column.

Keyboard ME key Bound to

-- ---
  F1		F-1
  F2		F-2
  F3		F-3
  F4		F-4
  F5		F-5
  F6		F-6
  F7		F-7
  F8		F-8
  F9		F-9
  F10		F-0
  F11		F-a
  F12		F-b
  F13		F-c
  F14		F-d
  F15		F-e
  F16		F-f
  home		F-A	(beginning-of-buffer)
  end		F-B	(end-of-buffer)
  up arrow	F-C	(previous-line)
  down arrow    F-D	(next-line)
  right arrow   F-E	(next-character)
  left arrow    F-F	(previous-character)
  insert	F-G
  delete	F-H	(delete-character)
  page up	F-I	(previous-page)
  page down	F-J	(next-page)
  clear line	F-K	(cut-line)
  delete line	F-L
  insert line	F-M
  select	F-N	(set-mark)
  roll up 	F-O	(scroll-down)
  roll down 	F-P	(scroll-up)
  DEL		C-?	(delete-character) (This is the DELete key)
  ESC		C-[
  shift tab	M-I

  ALT 0..9A..Z!	mapped to META 0..9A..Z!
  Use the ALT key like the control key (ie hold it down while you press the
    next key).

For the MS-DOS and OS/2 versions of ME, the number pad keys (on the 101 extended keyboard) are distinguished from the grey keys (the ones between the QWERTY keys and the number pad):

  Keyboard		ME key    Bound to
-- ---
-- NumPad? home F-{ mark-and-home NumPad? end F-} mark-and-end NumPad? up arrow F-^ previous-line NumPad? down arrow F-. next-line NumPad? right arrow F-> next-character NumPad? left arrow F-< previous-character NumPad? insert F-& toggle-overstrike NumPad? delete F-# delete-character NumPad? page up F-[ next-page NumPad? page down F-] previous-page NumPad? - F-- NumPad? + F-+ NumPad? Enter F-$ NumPad? / F-/ NumPad? * F-*



======================================================================== C-[ See META args
  Parameters or arguments that will be requested by the command.  If
   [] surround the arg, then it will only be requested in certain cases.

binding See bound. bound

  A key is attached or bound to a command or program.
  If the key is pressed, whatever it is bound to is invoked.
  Keys can be bound locally or globally.  If a key has a local  binding,
    pressing  the key in the  buffer  it was bound in causes  action.  A
    global  binding  covers all buffers.  Note that local  bindings take
    precedence over global ones.
  A buffer is an internal workspace where changes are made to text.  If
    a buffer is visible, it is shown through one or more windows.  It is
    usually attached to a file (ie contains the contents of the file).
    If the buffer was created by reading in a file, the buffer name is
    created by removing the path from the file name (and leaving only
    the name and extension).


  A operation where something is covered over by something else.  Also
  For example:
    If text is cleared, it is covered by blanks.
    If a mark is cleared, it is reset to an initial state (pointing to
  See also:  cut, delete.
command or cmd
  A ME built in command such as (read-file).
  These can be bound to a key to make executing them easier.
  Documented under COMMANDS (in me3.doc, this file).  These are
    different from functions in that they can be bound to keys or
    executed by (ME-command).
Command completion
  ME will  attempt to complete a command if the space bar is pressed and
    completion is on.  The only time you can use command  completion  is
    when you are being queried in the  minibuffer.  For example, when ME
    is requesting a buffer name for  (use-existing-buffer) and foobar is
    a buffer,  typing  "foo" and hitting  space will fill in the rest of
    the name.  ME also trys to fix typos.  If you had typed  "fooie" and
    hit the space bar, you still get "foobar".  Sometimes,  you will hit
    space and only part of the command  name will  appear.  This is ME's
    way of  telling  you there is some  ambiguity  as to the full  name.
    Type some more of the name and hit space  again or press ?  to get a
    list of possible names.
  See also: complete in me3mutt.doc.
  A operation where something is saved and then removed.
  For example:  If text is cut, it is saved in the cut buffer and then
    deleted.  You can retrieve it later from the cut buffer.
  See also:  cut buffer, delete, clear.
Cut buffer
  An invisible buffer that holds things created by deletion commands
    such as (cut-region) and (copy-region).  Used to cut and paste, or
    just cut, text.
  If you want to move a block of text about:  1.  set the mark at one
    end and then move the dot to the other end.  2.  cut the region.  3.
    move the dot to the start of where you want the text to begin and 4.
    yank the cut buffer.  Bingo.
  Copy and cut append to the cut buffer if last command was also a cut
    or copy, otherwise the cut buffer is cleared before the new text is
  The cut buffer is also used by (filter).
  Other Emacs' refer to this as the kill buffer.


  A operation where something is removed and NOT saved.
  For example:  If text is deleted, it is gone and can't be recovered
    (unless undo can get it back).
  See also:  cut, clear.
  The place between two  characters.  It is  immediately  to the left of
    the cursor.  Also known as point.  One per window or buffer.


  See also META.
  The escape key (usually marked ESC on keyboards) acts like the META key
    for those keyboards that don't have a META key.


   For MS-DOS, you can use forward slashes "/" as part of the path name.
function or fcn
  The commands that comprise the Mutt programming language.  Documented
    in mutt2.doc and me3mutt.doc.  These differ from commands in that
    they cannot be bound to keys and cannot be executed by (ME-command).


   Help is pretty much limited to reading manuals or asking gurus.
   Limited forms of online help are command completion (see above),
     typing a ?  when being asked a question (see "If you are being
     asked a question" below), command completion, and the (help)
     command.  Typing M-x help will get you started with the help system.


  Keys are used to enter text and invoke commands.  The keys used to
    invoke can be one or two keys where each key can have one or more
    modifier meaning	notes
       M-    META	See META and ESCAPE.  Cannot be prefixed.
       C-    CONTROL	
       S-    SHIFT	Only used with nonASCII keys
       F-    FUNCTION	NonASCII? keys
  See also: prefix-key in me3mutt.doc


  A sequence of  keystrokes  that can be replayed on command.  Used when
    you don't  want to spend  the time  writing a  program.  Created  by
    going through the motions (which are actually done so you can verify
    that  what  you  want  to  happen  is   actually   happening)   (see
    (start-macro)  and (end-macro)).  When replayed by  (execute-macro),
    the exact sequence you typed in is replayed.


  A user settable dot.
  A mark is remembered for the life of the buffer and stays where you
    set it until you or ME moves it.  (exchange-dot-and-mark) will get
    you to the mark from anywhere in the buffer.
  If the dot is at a mark and you do something  (like  insert text, yank
    text, etc), it is done  between  the dot and mark, that is, the mark
    is before the change and the dot after.
  Advanced  note:  The marks are  associated  with a buffer NOT with the
    windows  attached  to the buffer.  Thus all  windows  attached  to a
    buffer have the same marks.
  The Mutt Editor.  An editor that is extensible using the Mutt
    programming language.  ME3 is the follow on to ME2, the follow on to
message line or minibuffer
  The bottom line of the screen.  This is the place where all questions
    are asked, error messages sent, etc.
META key
  This is a modifier key that works like the control key.  Your keyboard
    may or may not have  one.  On IBM PCs, this is the ALT key.  To use,
    hold  down the META key and  press  the key you want to  modify.  If
    your  keyboard does not have a META key, use ESCAPE  instead - press
    the ESCAPE key, let it up and then press the key you want to modify.
  In the ME documents, the META key will be referred to by M-x where x is
    the key being modified.
  Mode lines seprate windows and provide information about the buffer in
    the window.
  ** ME3 -- buffer_name 8:45am -- (mode) [Ovwrt] File:file_name 
The ** is present if the buffer has been modified. It is %% if the buffer is read only, " " if we don't care about the status of the buffer and "--" if the buffer has not been modified. The time is present if (display-time) has been called. (mode) provides information about the mode the buffer is in. For example, (C) for c mode. The words in the brackets can be Ovwrt if the buffer is Overstriking or McDef? is a keyboard macro is being recorded. file_name is present only if a file is associated with the buffer.
  The built in programming language.  Refer to the Mutt documentation in
    mutt2.doc and me3mutt.doc.

n nth

  Argument prefix (set by (universal-argument)).  This means repeat the
    key (or what its bound to) or command n times.  If
    (universal-argument) is not used then n defaults to 1.

pgm See program. point See dot. program

  A program created by (defun).
  These are created by the user to make its editing easier.
  See mutt2.doc and me3mutt.doc.


  The rectangler region between two marks.  One mark is at the upper
    left corner of the region and the other mark is at the lower right
    corner.  The width is measured in characters and the height in lines.
  The area between two marks (usually the dot and the mark).
  A storage area that can hold text, rectangles or postions.  See the
    various register commands for more info.  Each register has a single
    character name:  a character in the range "0" to "9" and "a" to "z".
    The contents of a register doesn't change until something is stored
    there (which overwrites the old contents).

syntax tables are used to determine word boundaries, etc. All commands

   work with words use these tables (eg (next-word).  Use
   (modify-syntax-entry) to change what it means to be a word.
sysvar or system variable
   These are a collection of user changeable variables that effect the way
     ME does certain things.
   Documented in me3mutt.doc.


  A portion of the screen.  A window provides a view of a buffer.  There
    can be more than one window showing a buffer.  Windows are separated
    from each by a mode line.
  A string of letters, digits, "$", "'" or "_".  By modifying the syntax
    tables, you can change the definition of a word.
  See syntax tables, (modify-syntax-entry).
Word wrap
  When you are typing at the end of a line and cross the fill column the
    last  "word" is  wrapped  to the next  line.  If you have some  left
    margin  you  wish  to  preserve,   bind  CR  to   newline-and-indent
    (bind-to-key "newline-and-indent" "C-m").
  Setting the system var  word-wrap  to 0 turns it off,  setting it to n
    causes wrapping to occur at column n.


If you are being asked a question

======================================================================== "Special" keys:
    C-h or Backspace	Delete character left of the cursor.
    C-g	 Terminate the command.
    C-j	 Same as C-m.
    C-l  Redraw the screen.  Handy if you messed it up with help and want
	 to see the original contents.
    C-m or return (enter)	End the question and return your answer.
    C-q  Quote the next character.  C-qC-j is the code for the end of a
	 line - if you search for "C-qC-jstart of line" you will find
	 "start of line" if it is the first thing on a line.
    C-^  Quote next key (same as C-q)

    ?  Show choices (if available).  This shows the possible responses
	 for this command.  This is available whenever command
	 completion is.
    Space Command completion (if available for this command).  You can
          customize this key.  See complete-key in me3mutt.doc.

    C-f  Next character
    C-b  Previous character
    C-a  Beginning of line
    C-e  End of line

    C-u  Delete everything and start over.
    C-d  Delete character
    C-k  Delete to end of line

    M-f  Next word
    M-b  Previous word

    C-p  Previous history
    C-n  Next history
    C-r  Search back though history
    M->  Youngest history entry
    M-<  Oldest history entry

  If you answer the question by hitting <return or enter> and the line is
    empty, you have entered the null line zone.  This can be interpreted as:
	1.  An empty line.  It will then be ignored or complained about or
	  stop the command.
	2.  A C-m.  (bind-to-key) does this.
	3.  A request to use the default.  This is usually the current
	  thing being manipulated (where thing is buffer, file, etc).
	  eg (write-file) defaults to current file name and
	  (delete-buffer) defaults to current buffer name.



======================================================================== In this document, you will see command names surrounded by parens (eg
  (beginning-of-line)).  If the command is bound, you can execute the
  command by pressing the keys it is bound to.  For example,
  (beginning-of-line) is bound to C-a, so holding down the control key
  and pressing A will move the cursor the the beginning of the line.  If
  the command is not bound (or you don't remember or want to use the
  binding), you can also execute the command by using (ME-command).


Command Line Options


ME supports several command line options. They are processed in the order they appear on the command line. The list of options is extendible - see cmdline.mut.

Here are the default options:

  "file"	Visit file using visit-file.

  "-all"	Process all the remaining command line options.
		Normally, processing stops after the first file is read
		(the "file" option) (actually, the option processing
		stops just before the next file is visited).  Some times
		you want to read a bunch of files all at once, use -all.
		See also next-file.

  "+n file"	Visit file (using visit-file) and then goto line n.

  "-i file"	
  "-insert file"
		Insert file (using insert-file) in the current buffer at
		the dot.

  "-l file"
  "-load file"
		Load a file of Mutt code (file.mco) using load.

  "-f program"
  "-funcall program"
		Run the Mutt named program (same as (ME-command program)).


  me3 foo -f show-buffer-stats
    This will read in foo and display some stats in the minibuffer.

  me3 +5 mail
    This will visit mail and put the cursor on line 5.

  me3 -l ganoi
    Run the towers of hanoi first thing.

  me3 +5 mail -f set-the-mark -f end-of-buffer -f cut-region -i reply
    This visits the file mail, removes all text after line 5 and inserts
    the file reply there.



======================================================================== COMMAND name, default binding, args and comments
  These all return a BOOLEAN (the ones written in Mutt might not).
Note: All of commands listed are actually written in Mutt. Some are
  built-in (to ME) and others must be loaded.  The ones that must be
  loaded are marked with a "*".  In all cases, the Mutt file that they
  are defined in is listed after the command.  If you are using the
  standard distribution of ME, the commands that need to be loaded will
  be when you run the command.

(abort) C-g basic.mut

  Back out of anything.
  If remembering a macro, forget it.
  If executing a program, stop it.
  This only works when ME is waiting for a key press (ie it won't halt
    programs in a infinite loop or runaway programs that aren't looking
    at the keyboard).
(apropos) M-? args: keyword basic.mut
  List all commands and programs that have a keyword in them.  For
    example, if you apropos commands with "mark" in them you might get
    something like:
	mark-and-end               F-B
	mark-and-home              F-A
	exchange-dot-and-mark      C-xC-x 
	set-mark                   C-@ M-  F-N
    On the left is the command name.  On the right are the key(s) bound
      to the command.  So, in this case, (set-the-mark) is bound to
      control-@, meta-space and softkey-N.
  Command completion is on.
  See also: (describe-bindings).

(beginning-of-buffer) M-< basic.mut

  Move the dot to the first character of the buffer.
  See also: (end-of-buffer).
(beginning-of-line) C-a basic.mut
  Move the dot to the first character of the line.
  See also: (end-of-line).
(bind-local-key) Not Bound basic.mut
  Args: command name, keystroke(s)
  Same as (bind-to-key) but the binding is in effect only in the buffer it
    was bound in.
  Note that local bindings take precedence over global ones.
  See: (bind-to-key)
(bind-to-key) Not Bound basic.mut
  Args: command name, keystroke(s)
  Attach a key to a command or program.  When ever the key is pressed,
    the command or program will be executed (except when a question is
    being asked).
  Possible keys are single key strokes and combo keystrokes.
    Combo keys are prefixed keys, softkeys or modified keys.
  When asked for the key just press the key(s).  You might have to use
    C-q to quote the keys, in that case it often easier to just type
    "C-a" if you mean control a.
  If programming, use the keycode.  Keycodes are ASCII (ie no control
    characters and such) representations of a key.  For example, META-D
    is represented by the 3 characters M-d, control-C by C-c and
    function key 1 (aka soft key 1) by F-1.  Keycodes should be used
    when programming to avoid screwing up things like printers (when you
    print out the file).  eg (bind-to-key "foo" "F-1").
  To unbind a key, bind it to "".  (bind-to-key "" "F-1") will remove
    anything bound to F-1 and make F-1 self insert.
  Command completion is on.
  See also: (bind-local-key), (defun), keys (in the glossary above).
(bug-report) Not Bound basic.mut
  If you find a bug and would like report it or send comments about ME,
    you can use this command.

(calculator)* Not Bound calc.mut

  A simple programmers calculator for those times when you don't want to
    use the one sitting next to the keyboard.  Supports arithmetic in
    many different bases.  For more info, run calculator and press "?".
(capitalize-word) M-c case.mut
  Capitalize word after dot.
  If dot is between words, searches forward to the start of the next word
    and capitalizes that one.
  If the dot is in the middle of a word, the letter after the dot is
  See also: (modify-syntax-entry), (upcase-region), (downcase-region),
(capitalize-region) Not Bound case.mut
  Capitalize all words in a region.
  If dot is between words, searches forward to the start of the next word
    and capitalizes that one.
  If the dot is in the middle of a word, the letter after the dot is
  See also: (modify-syntax-entry), (upcase-region), (downcase-region),
(center-cursor) F-G (Insert key) me3.mut
  The same things as C-uC-l - puts the cursor in the center of the
(center-screen-around-cursor-horizontally) Not bound window.mut (clear-rectangle) Not Bound me3.mut
  Set the rectangle to blanks.
  See also:  (copy-rectangle), (cut-rectangle), (delete-rectangle).
(compile)* Not bound compile.mut
  Run make (or a command of your choice (such as cc)), collect output in
    a buffer and while the compile is running, optionally visit the
    files that have errors.
  See documentation in package.doc under "External Processes".
    Only works on machines running unix and the compute server.
    Modeled after compile in GNU Emacs.
    To run the compute server, use "comserver $HOME/.ME2.socket".  Since
      the compute server is quite verbose, you will want to run it in
      its own window.  If that is not possible (or desirable), use this
	comserver $HOME/.ME2.socket >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &

(copy-region) M-w basic.mut

  Copy a region to the cut buffer.  If the last command was a cut
    command, append to the cut buffer.  The region is unaffected.
  Returns TRUE if region copied, FALSE if no region.
  See also: (cut-region), (yank).
(copy-rectangle) Not Bound me3.mut
  Copy a rectangle to the cut buffer.
  See also:  (cut-rectangle), (delete-rectangle), (clear-rectangle),
(copy-region-to-rectangle) C-xr register.mut
  Copy a rectangle (marked by the dot and mark) to a register.  With an
    argument, the rectangle is deleted.  The command querys you for the
    register (a single character in the range 0-9 a-z).
  See also: (insert-register), (copy-to-register), (copy-rectangle).
(copy-to-register) C-xx register.mut
  Copy the region to a register.  With an argument, the region is
    deleted.  The command querys you for the register (a single
    character in the range 0-9 a-z).
  See also: (insert-register), (copy-region-to-rectangle).
(cut-the-line) F-5 me3.mut
  Delete the entire line the cursor is on.
(cut-line) C-k or F-K (clear line) basic.mut
  Delete text from dot to the end of the line.
    If an argument is given:
	If n = 0: Cut from beginning of line to dot.
	If n > 0: Cut forward over n newlines.
	If n < 0: Cut backward over n newlines.
  The deleted text is put into the cut buffer or appended to the cut
    buffer if the last command was also a cut command.
  Other Emacs' call this kill-line.
  See also: (cut-word), (cut-previous-word), (cut-region),
(cut-previous-word) M-C-h (M-backspace) basic.mut
  Delete the previous word.  Save them in the cut buffer.
  See also: (modify-syntax-entry).  
(cut-rectangle) Not Bound me3.mut
  Copy a rectangle and delete a rectangle to the cut buffer.
  In GNU Emacs, this is called kill-rectangle.
  See also:  (copy-rectangle), (delete-rectangle), (clear-rectangle).
(cut-region) C-w basic.mut
  Delete a region and save it in the cut buffer.  If the last command was
    a cut command, append to the cut buffer.
  See also: (copy-region), (cut-line),
  Other Emacs' call this kill-region.
(cut-word) M-d or M-C-? (M-DEL) basic.mut
  Delete a word.  Save them in the cut buffer.
  See also: (modify-syntax-entry).  

(dabbrev-expand) M-/ Autoloaded dabbrev.mut

  Takes the word the cursor is on and looks around in the buffer for
    another word that starts with the same characters.  When one is
    found, it is used to replace the word at the cursor.  Pressing M-/
    again looks for a different word.
(delete-buffer) C-xk delbuf.mut
  Remove a buffer.  It disappears into ness-ness land.  If the buffer
    has been modified, ask before deleting.  If the buffer is on the
    screen, replace it with the (next-buffer).  If it is the only
    buffer, replace it with "*scratch*".  If n, remove the window it was
    displayed in.
  Defaults to the current buffer.
  Buffer name completion is on.
  See also: (delete-current-window).
(delete-character) C-d, C-? (DEL) or F-H (delete) basic.mut
  Delete the character after the dot (visually under the cursor).  If at
    the end of the line, the next line is joined to the current line.  If
    given an argument, deleted characters are put into the cut buffer.
(delete-current-window) C-x0 window.mut
  Delete the current window.
(delete-horizontal-space) Not bound wspace.mut
  Remove all whitespace surrounding the cursor.
  See also: delete-whitespace.
(delete-other-windows) C-x1 window.mut
  Make the current window the only window on the screen.
  See also: (split-window-vertically).
(delete-previous-character) C-h (backspace) basic.mut
  Delete the character before the dot (visually to the left of the
    cursor).  If at the beginning of the line, the current line is
    joined to the end of the previous line.  If given an argument,
    deleted characters are put into the cut buffer.
(delete-rectangle) Not Bound me3.mut
  Delete the rectangle.
  See also:  (copy-rectangle), (cut-rectangle), (clear-rectangle).
(delete-whitespace) F-1 wspace.mut
  Remove all the whitespace to the right of (and including) the cursor.
  See also:  delete-horizontal-space.
(describe-bindings) Not bound basic.mut
  List all commands and programs along with their key bindings in the
    same format as (apropos).
  See also: (apropos).
(describe-key) Not Bound me3.mut
  Tells you what a key is bound to.
(display-time) Not Bound mltime.mut
  Display the current time in the modeline.  The time is updated every
    minute (ME is idle).  This command toggles - if the time is being
    displayed, (display-time) turns it off.
    Time is only updated while ME is idle.  While running a program or
      waiting for input (in the minibuffer), the time is not updated.
    display-time returns TRUE if the time was turned on, FALSE if turned
(downcase-region) C-xC-l case.mut
  Convert a region to lower case.
  See also: (upcase-region), (downcase-word), (upcase-word).
(downcase-word) M-l case.mut
  Convert word to lower case.
  See (capitalize-word) for edge conditions.
  See also:  (modify-syntax-entry), (upcase-word), (downcase-region),

(end-macro) C-x) basic.mut

  Stop remembering keystrokes.  The keystrokes are stored in the macro
    buffer ready to be replayed by (execute-macro).
  See also: (execute-macro), (start-macro).
(end-of-buffer) M-> basic.mut
  Move the dot to the bottom of the buffer.
  See also: (beginning-of-buffer).
(end-of-line) C-e basic.mut
  Move the dot to the end of the line.
  See also: (beginning-of-line).
(exchange-dot-and-mark) C-xC-x basic.mut
  Move the dot to the mark and set the mark to old dot value.  Visually,
    move to where the mark was set.  Repeating this command will undo it.
  See also: (set-the-mark).
(execute-macro) C-xe basic.mut
  Replay the keystrokes saved in the macro buffer.
  See also: (start-macro), (end-macro).
(exit) C-c C-xC-c args: [yes or no] basic.mut
  Exit ME.  If there is a modified buffer (one that has changed since it
    was last saved), you are asked about it.
  If n, quit no matter what and without making any noise.

(filter) Not bound filter.mut

  Take a region and feed it to a filter as standard input.
  Take the output of the filter and use it to replace the region.
  For example:  If the region is a list of words and sort is a program
    that sorts text then (filter "sort") will replace the region with a
    sorted copy.
  If you don't want to remove anything, use universal argument (C-u) or
    make a null region (set the mark at the dot).  eg C-u (filter "ls")
    will insert a directory listing at the dot.
  The region is saved in the cut buffer.
  See OS-filter (in me3mutt.doc) for info on environment variables.
(findit)* Not bound findit.mut
  Search or search and replace across many files.
  See documentation in package.doc under "findit".
  See also: grep.
(forward-re-search) M-C-s search.mut
  Same as (forward-search) but using regular expressions.
  See regexp.doc for regular expression syntax.
  See also: (query-replace), (forward-search), (reverse-re-search).
   in me3mutt.doc: case-fold-search, get-matched, looking-at
(forward-search) Not Bound search.mut
  Search for a string.
  CR ends patterns, LF (^J) => end of line.
  The pattern is saved across searches.
  (forward-search) The dot is after the last character matched.
  (reverse-search) The dot is before the last character matched, or put
    another way, to the left of the first character of the search string.
    To search for "foobar", type: foobar<Enter>
    To search for "foobar"<end of line>, type: foobar^Q^J<Enter>
    To search for <start of line>"foobar", type: ^Q^Jfoobar<Enter>
      Note that, in this case, the very first line will not match (this
      is because the first line has no preceding line and therefore no
      end of line marker before it).
  See also:  (reverse-search), (forward-re-search), (isearch),
    (query-replace), (re-query-replace), case-fold-search (in me3mutt.doc)

(get-sysvar) Not Bound sysvar.mut

  Display the value of a ME3 system variable.
  See me3mutt.doc for a list and what they do.
  Command completion is on.
  See also:  (set-sysvar), (sysvars).
(Goto-line) M-g me3.mut
  Move the dot to the beginning of the nth line in the current buffer.
    First line of the buffer is 1.  If n is negative, got the nth line
    from the end of the buffer.
  Returns FALSE is try to move off either end of the buffer.  In that
    case the dot is left at the buffer edge it tried to move across (at
    the start of the line).
    Line 0 does not really exist so (goto-line 0) returns FALSE.  If you
    ignore the error, (goto-line 0) is the same as (goto-line 1).
  See also:  goto-line (in me3mutt.doc).
(grep)* Not bound compile.mut
  Run grep, collect output in a buffer and while the grep is running,
    visit all the files grep finds matches in.
  See documentation in package.doc under "compile".
    Only works on machines running unix and the compute server.
    Modeled after grep in GNU Emacs.
  See also: findit.
(grow-window) C-x^ window.mut
  Enlarge the current window by a line.  To grow the window by n lines,
    use C-u n C-x^.  If n is negative, the window will shrink.
  See also: (shrink-window).

(hanoi)* Not bound ganoi.mut

  A towers of hanoi solver that shows the disks moving around.
  To load it:  M-x load <Enter> ganoi <Enter>
  See also: (Queens).
(help) Not bound help.mut
  This is front end to the web hyper text document browser (see web.mut
    in package.doc).  It pops up a menu so you can pick a topic to

(indent-rigidly) C-xC-i indent.mut

   Shift a block left or right.
   A block is all the lines of text between the dot and mark inclusive.
   With no arg: asks for the amount to shift the region.  Positive
     for right shift, negative for left shift.
   With arg (ie C-u):  shifts the region by the difference between the dot
     and the first nonblank character on that line.
     eg use this to shift the top line of the region over to the cursor.
   Removes white space from blank lines.
   When doing a negative shift, text won't be shifted left of the left

(insert-file) C-xi args: file name basic.mut

  Insert a file into the buffer at the dot.  The file is unaffected.
  Command completion is on.
  The mark is left after the inserted text.
  See also: (read-file), (visit-file), (write-file), file-to-buffer
(insert-file-name) Not bound me3.mut
  Use command completion to get a file name and insert the name at the
(insert-register) C-xg register.mut
  Insert the contents of a register at the dot.  If the register
    contains a rectangle, a rectangle is inserted.  The command querys
    you for the register (a single character in the range 0-9 a-z).
  For text, the dot is left after the inserted text and the mark is
    before.  With an argument, the dot is left before and the mark after.
  See also: (copy-to-register), (copy-region-to-rectangle).
(isearch-forward) C-s or C-\ isearch.mut
  Search as you type - shows you where the string you have typed so far
    would be found.
    C-h (Backspace):  Remove the last character from the search pattern.
       Don't move.
    C-s:  Search forward for existing pattern.  If haven't entered a
	   pattern, the old pattern is used.
    C-\:  Same as C-s.
    C-r:  Search reverse for pattern.
    C-q:  Quote the next character into the search pattern.  Useful for
       searching for control characters (like tab).
    C-w:  Add the rest of the word to the search pattern.
    C-g:  Exit search.
    C-m (Enter): Drop to non incremental search if haven't done anything
  Control characters and combo keys (eg cursor motion, C-x=, etc)
    terminate the search.  The key is then executed.  For example,
    searching for text and then pressing C-p will cause the cursor to
    move to the line above the matched text.

  If you want to call isearch from a Mutt program, prime and start
    searching, just pass in a search string.  eg (isearch TRUE "foobar")
    will start a incremental search at the point and search for foobar.
    Use FALSE to search backwards.

  See also:  (isearch-reverse), (forward-search).
(isearch-reverse) C-r isearch.mut
  See (isearch-forward) for info.

(list-buffers) C-xC-b bstats.mut

  List all the buffers currently in ME along with some info about them.
    With arg, run buffer-menu.
  For example:
    Flags  Size Buffer           File

.--- 81 *Help* -u-- 2732 bstats.mut /users/craig/tools/me3/mutt/bstats.mut Mu-- 37434 me3.doc /users/craig/tools/me3/doc/me2.doc

   40527 bytes (943 lines) in 3 buffers.  

  Here is what the flags (MuhH?) mean:
    M : M if the buffer has been modified and we care.
    u : u if undo is turned on.
    H : if the buffer is "hard" hidden.
    h : if the buffer is "soft" hidden.
    If any of the flags is off, a "-" is used in place of the letter
      (except for modified where a "." is used).
  See also: (show-buffer-stats), buffer-menu (a package).
(load) Not bound args: code-file-name basic.mut
  Load a Mutt executable code file compiled with the Mutt compiler (MC2).
    The extension (on the code file) MUST be ".mco" but you don't have
      to type it in (ie I'll change it to ".mco" no matter what it is).
    The environment variable ME3 is used as a search path for load.  See
      load-code (in me3mutt.doc for how it is parsed (basically like
    If a code file is loaded that has the same name (ignoring path) as
      an already loaded code file, it overwrites the old file.  All keys
      bound to functions in the old file are removed.  See autoload.mut
      for more about loading and late binding.
  See also: load-code (in me3mutt.doc).

(mark-and-end) F-B (End key) me3.mut

  Set the mark and move the dot to the end of the buffer.
(mark-and-home) F-A (Home key) me3.mut
  Set the mark and move the dot to the start of the buffer.
(ME-command) M-x args: command or program name basic.mut
  Run a command or program.  ie one of the things listed in this
    document.  When asked what to Execute:  use the name as listed here
    (without the "()"'s).  eg Execute:  describe-bindings
  Command completion is in effect.

(newline) C-m basic.mut

  Insert a newline before the dot (visually before the cursor).
  See also: (newline-and-indent), (open-line).
(newline-and-indent) C-j or M-C-o (oh, not zero) basic.mut
  Insert a newline before the dot and duplicate the indentation of the
    previous line (the one the dot just left).
    If tab-stops is 0, tabs are used where possible.  Otherwise only
      blanks are used.
   If the cursor is in the middle of whitespace at the start of a line,
     the indent will be the same as the cursor.  This makes
     newline-and-indent at the start of a line work "right".
   If the current line is blank but has whitespace on it, the whitespace
     is removed.
  See also: (newline), (open-line), tab-stops (me3mutt.doc).
(next-buffer) F-2 hidebuf.mut
  Replace the current buffer with the next buffer in the buffer list,
    skipping the hidden buffers.  The buffer list is in alphabetical
    order.  The buffer list is circular, ie, the last buffer is followed
    by the first buffer.
  See also:  (list-buffers), (switch-to-buffer), (use-existing-buffer).
(next-character) C-f or F-E (right arrow) basic.mut
  Move right a character.
  See also: (previous-character).
(next-file) C-xf basic.mut
  Read the next file on the command line.  By default, ME only reads the
    first file on the command line.  This command will read the next
    one.  Note that wildcards must be expanded by the shell (MS-DOS
    users take note).
  Use C-u to read in lots of files at once.
  See also:
    The section titled "Command Line Options".
(next-line) C-n or F-D (down arrow) basic.mut
  Move the dot vertically down the screen.  Trys to stay in the same
    Don't use this in a program unless you want column tracking (for
      example binding an arrow key).  In most cases the column tracking
      gets in the way and will confuse your program.  Use forward-line
      instead.  (see me3mutt.doc).
  See also: (forward-line), (previous-line).
(next-page) C-v or F-J (page down) window.mut
  Scroll forwards a page (window size -2).
  See also: (previous-page).
(next-window) C-xo (oh, as in other) window.mut
  Move to the next window down the screen and make it the current window.
  See also: (previous-window)
(next-word) M-f basic.mut
  Move forwards until dot is after the end of a word or end of buffer.
  See also: glossary, (previous-word), (cut-previous-word),
    (cut-word), (modify-syntax-entry).
(not-modified) Not bound me3.mut
  Reset the modified bit on the current buffer.

(open-line) C-o (oh, not zero) basic.mut

  Insert a newline after the dot.  The dot does not move.
  See also: (newline), (newline-and-indent).

(p-match) F-6 pmatch.mut

  Paren matcher.  Works on (){}.
  Put the cursor at a paren, execute p-match.  The cursor is moved to
    the matching paren, sits there for a while so you can see the
    matching paren and then cursor is restored.  The mark is left at the
    matching paren so you can (exchange-dot-and-mark) at your convenience.
(point-to-register) C-x/ register.mut
  Mark the current buffer and position in a register.  You can return to
    that point (from anywhere) with (register-to-point).
(previous-character) C-b or F-F (left arrow) basic.mut
  Move the dot backwards by a character.
  See also: (next-character).
(previous-line) C-p or F-C (up arrow) basic.mut
  Move the dot vertically up the screen.  Tries to stay in the same
    Don't use this in a program unless you want column tracking (for
      example binding an arrow key).  In most cases the column tracking
      gets in the way and will confuse your program.  Use forward-line
      instead.  (see me3mutt.doc).
  See also: (forward-line), (next-line).
(previous-page) M-v or F-I (page up) window.mut
  Scroll backwards a page (window size -2).
  See also: (next-page).
(previous-window) C-xp window.mut
  Move to the window immediately above the current window and make it the
  current window.
  See also: (next-window).
(previous-word) M-b basic.mut
  Move backwards until dot is at the beginning of a word or beginning of
  See also: (cut-previous-word), (cut-word), (next-word),

(Queens)* Not Bound queen.mut

  A "how do you place N queens on a NxN? chess board so they don't attack
    each other?"  solver that shows the queens moving around.
  To load it:  M-x load <Enter> queen <Enter>
  See also: (hanoi).

(query-replace) M-% or M-q qr.mut

  Interactively search and replace strings.
  If the replacements are successful, the cursor is left where the
    replace started and the mark is after the last replacement.
  If terminated, the cursor is left where the abort occurred and the
    mark is where the replace started.
  n : No, don't replace.  Go on to next match.
  <SPACE>, y : Yes, replace and go to next match.
  ! : Replace all the rest without asking.
  C-g :  Stop.  The command stops and the cursor is left where it is.
	To get to the start of the query-replace, use
  ? : Popup a window with some documentation in it.
  C-l : Redraw the screen and put the cursor in a "reasonable" place.
  A few others.  Use "?".

  If you hit a character not in the list, the query-replace stops.
  Patterns are saved across searches.
  If you want to call this from a Mutt program, the optional args are:
	(query-replace search-pattern replace-pattern)
    Note that the query-replace remains interactive.
  See also:  (re-query-replace), search-replace (me3mutt.doc),
    case-fold-search (in me3mutt.doc).
(quote) C-q or C-^ (control-^) basic.mut
  Insert the next character typed into the buffer.  This is how to get
    control characters and the like into the buffer.
    If you quote ALT keys or softkeys it will be pretty boring.
    C-q0 (zero) will ask for a decimal number that is converted into a
      character.  For example, C-q065 will insert "A" into the buffer.

(re-query-replace) M-C-q qr.mut

  Same as (query-replace) but using regular expressions.
  See regexp.doc for regular expression syntax.
  See also: (query-replace), case-fold-search (in me3mutt.doc)
(read-file) C-xC-r args: file name, [yes or no] basic.mut
  Clear the current buffer (asking if the buffer has been modified) and read
    in a file.
  The file name defaults to the file name of the current buffer.
  Command completion is on.
  See also: (insert-file), (visit-file), (write-file) and read-file-hook
    (in me3mutt.doc).
(refresh-screen) C-l window.mut
  Repaint the screen.  If n, then center the dot vertically in the window.
  See also: (reposition-window).
(register-to-point) C-xj register.mut
  Jump to the buffer and point saved in a register by (point-to-register).
(rename-buffer) Not bound me3.mut
  Change the name of the file that is attached to the current buffer.
  After you do this, saving the buffer will cause it to write to the new
    file name.
  If you want to detach the buffer from the file system, use "" as the
    new file name.
(reposition-window) M-! window.mut
  Move the current window so that the line the dot is on is n lines
    from the top of the window.  The default is to move the line the dot
    is on to the top of the window.
  If n <  0, move the dot so that it is n lines from the bottom.
  If n == 0, the dot is centered vertically centered in the window.
  See also: (refresh-screen).
(reverse-re-search) Not Bound search.mut
  Same as (reverse-search) but using regular expressions.
  See regexp.doc for regular expression syntax.
  See also: (reverse-search), (forward-re-search).
(reverse-search) Not Bound search.mut
  See (forward-search) for info.

(save-buffer) C-xC-s basic.mut

  Write the current buffer to the file associated with it.  Does not
    do anything if the buffer has not been modified.  If you want to
    force a write, use (write-file).
  See also:  (write-file).
(scroll-down) C-xC-n or F-O (oh) (roll up) window.mut
  Move the current window down by a line.  Visually, the dot moves up the
(scroll-left) C-x< window.mut
  Scroll the current window left - ie move the text in the window to
    the left.  With an arg, moves that many columns, otherwise, moves 3
    less than the screen width.
  See also:  (scroll-right).
(scroll-other-window) M-C-v window.mut
  Page the "next" window (the one you would get to with next-window).
(scroll-right) C-x> window.mut
  Scroll the current window right - ie move the text in the window to
    the right.  With an arg, moves that many columns, otherwise, moves 3
    less than the screen width.
  See also:  (scroll-left).
(scroll-up) C-xC-p or F-P (roll down) window.mut
  Move the current window up by a line.  Visually, the dot moves down the
(set-the-mark) C-@ or M-SPACE or F-N (select), sometimes C-space basic.mut
  Set the mark at the dot.  Visually, under the cursor.
  See also: (exchange-dot-and-mark).
(set-sysvar) Not Bound sysvar.mut
  Set a ME system variable.
  See me3mutt.doc for a list and what they do.
  Command completion is on.
  set-sysvar knows "off" and "hard" as 0, "on" as 1 and reconizes
  See also:  (get-sysvar), (sysvars).
(shell-command) C-x! args: op sys command basic.mut
  Call the operating system to perform a command or run a program and
    then return to editing.
  MS-DOS example:  To copy a file: (shell-command "copy foo bar")
    To get a directory listing: (shell-command "ls").
  See also:  (filter), (spawn-shell), enter-ME-hook, leave-ME-hook and
    OS-command (in me3mutt.doc).
(shell-region) Not bound me3.mut
  Use the region as input to (shell-command).
  For example:
    foo.c has a comment in it that shows how to compile:
	/* cc -o foo foo.c -lX11 */
    By setting dot and mark around the text and using shell-region, you
    can compile foo.
    Don't use a very big region - shell-command gets very upset at more
      then 256 characters.
  See also:  (shell-command).
(show-buffer-stats) C-x= bstats.mut
  Display some info about the current buffer.
(shrink-window) C-xC-z window.mut
  Shrink the current window by a line.  With an arg, shrink by that many
  See also: (grow-window), window-length (me3mutt.doc).
(spawn-shell) C-z basic.mut
  Jump to the operating system shell for a while.  ME is still loaded
    and will sit in the background until you exit the shell (via "exit"
    in MS-DOS).
  In UNIX and MS-DOS, you can specify your shell with the SHELL
    environment variable (eg set SHELL=MUSH.EXE).
  On UNIX systems that support job control, C-uC-z will suspend ME.
    This is (usually) much faster than forking a new shell (use the fg
    command (or equivalent) to return to ME).  A major drawback of this
    is trying to use it from a shell that does not support job control
    (such as sh) or from a program (such as mail) that fired off ME via
    the C system() command (it uses sh).  In these cases the shell hangs
    and it is difficult to recover.
  See also:  (shell-command), (filter), enter-ME-hook and leave-ME-hook
    (in me3mutt.doc).
(spell-buffer)* Unix only spell.mut
  Check the spelling of every word in the current buffer using the Unix
    spell program.  For each incorrect word, you are asked for the
    correct spelling and then put into a query-replace to fix some or
    all occurrences.  If you do not want to change a word, just press
    Return - the query replace will be skipped.  If you hit Return too
    many times, press "-" and you will be asked about the previous
    incorrect word.  Case is important.
(spell-region)* Unix only spell.mut
  Check the spelling of words in a region.
(spell-string)* Unix only spell.mut
  Check the spelling of one or more words you type in.  No query replace
    is done.
(spell-word)* M-$ Unix only spell.mut
  Check the spelling of the words the cursor is on.
(split-window-vertically) C-x2 window.mut
  Make 2 windows out of the current window.  A window with less than 3
    lines cannot be split.
  See also: (delete-other-windows).
(start-macro) C-x( basic.mut
  Start remembering keystrokes until (end-macro).
  (abort) will terminate and back out of the macro.
  See also: (end-macro), (execute-macro).
(switch-to-buffer) C-xb args: buffer name basic.mut
  Replace the current window with another buffer.
  Buffer name completion is on.
  See also: (list-buffers), (next-buffer), (use-existing-buffer).
(sysvars) Not Bound sysvar.mut
  Pop a menu of the system variables and optionally set one.  To set
    one, move the cursor the variable you want to change (with regular
    ME keys or vi keys) and press return.  (set-sysvar) is then run on
    that variable.
  See also:  (get-sysvar), (set-sysvar).

(tab) C-i or the tab key basic.mut

  Insert tab(s).
  Move to the next tab stop.  With argument, move n tabs.
  To set the tab stops, see tab-stops in me3mutt.doc.
(toggle-read-only) C-xC-q basic.mut
  Toggle the read only status of the current buffer.  When a buffer is
    read only, no changes are allowed (the exception is that the buffer
    can be deleted).
  See also:  buffer-read-only.
(transpose-chars) C-t twiddle.mut
  Transpose the two characters on either side of the dot (cursor) and
    move the dot forward.  If at the end of the line, transpose the two
    characters left of the dot.
  This works the same as GNU Emacs transpose-chars.
  See also:  twiddle-about-dot and twiddle-left-of-dot.
(turn-on-undo) Not Bound undo.mut
  Turn on undo for a buffer.  This has usually already been done.
  See also: (undo)
(twiddle-about-dot) Not Bound twiddle.mut
  Transpose the two characters on either side of the dot (cursor).
  See also:  transpose-chars and twiddle-left-of-dot.
(twiddle-left-of-dot) Not Bound twiddle.mut
  Transpose the two characters left of the dot (cursor).
  See also:  transpose-chars and twiddle-about-dot.

(undo) C-xu or C-_ undo.mut

  Undo the last change to the buffer.  May not be turned on for some
  Undo won't undo the following things:
    cursor movement, buffer clears, file reads, buffer (or file) name
  See also:  (turn-on-undo), Undo.article.
(universal-argument) C-u basic.mut
  Get a numeric count for the next command.  The next command or program
    is performed count times.  If the command is a self-insert, count
    copies of the character are inserted.
  Count starts at 4 (except as noted below).  If the first key pressed
    after C-u is "-", count becomes negative.  Pressing C-u multiplies
    count by 4.  If a non digit is pressed, whatever is bound to that
    key is performed count times.  Otherwise, count becomes the next
    digits pressed.
  For example, C-uC-f will move forward 4 characters, C-uC-uC-f 16
    characters, C-u123 123 characters.  C-u5@ will insert "@@@@@".
  If (universal-argument) is given an argument, the count starts there.
    For example, in some Emacses, META digit starts the count at digit.
    See arg-prefix in me3mutt.doc for how to implement this.
  (universal-argument) ignores running programs and will read from the
    keyboard.  Use arg-prefix if you wish pass an argument to something.
  See also: arg-prefix (in me3mutt.doc).
(upcase-region) C-xC-u case.mut
  Convert a region to upper case.
  See also: (downcase-region), (downcase-word), (upcase-word).
(upcase-word) M-u case.mut
  Convert word to upper case.
  See (capitalize-word) for edge conditions.
  See also:  (modify-syntax-entry), (downcase-word), (downcase-region),
(use-existing-buffer) C-xC-o (oh) me3.mut
  Replace the current window with a buffer that already exists.
  Buffer name completion is on.
  See also: (list-buffers), (switch-to-buffer).

(version) Not bound basic.mut

  Show the version of ME.
(visit-file) C-xC-f or C-xC-v args: file name basic.mut
  Pull a file into a buffer for editing.  The current window is used to
    hold new buffer.  If arg-prefix, the window is split (if it is the
    only one) or another window is used to hold the new buffer.  If the
    file has been already loaded, switch to it.  Otherwise, read in the
    file.  A buffer name is created from the file name by stripping off
    the directory info and keeping the name and extension.  The dot is
    set to the beginning of the buffer and the marks are cleared (if
    this is a new buffer).
  If the buffer already exists but the filenames are different (eg "foo"
    and "../foo" both generate the buffer name "foo"), a unique buffer
    name is constructed by appending "<2>", "<3>", etc, using the lowest
    number that makes a name not already in use.
  Command completion is on.
  See also:  (insert-file), (read-file), (write-file) and read-file-hook
    (in me3mutt.doc).

(write-file) C-xC-w args: file-name basic.mut

  Write the current buffer to a file.  If the file exists, it is
    overwritten.  If the file does not already exist, it is created.
  file-name defaults to the file name of the current buffer.
  Note that the buffer name and file name do NOT change.  Some Emacses
    change the file name to file-name.  If you like this behavior, try:
    (defun write-named-file
	{(rename-buffer (ask "Write named file: "))(write-file "")})
  Command completion is on.
  See also: (insert-file), (read-file), (save-buffer), (visit-file).

(yank) C-y basic.mut

  Insert the contents of the cutbuffer before the dot (visually before the
    cursor).  Does not affect the cut buffer.
  The dot is left after the yanked text.  The mark does not move.
  See also: (copy-region), (cut-line), (cut-region).

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Last edited February 29, 2016 8:06 am (diff)