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Difference (from revision 1 to current revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 1,2c1
This text editor is written in assembly language and is used to write ASM programs for
x86 processors.
Text editor is written in assembly language to write ASM programs for x86 processors.

Added: 3a3,8
Author: Rick Hall
Homepage: http://ez86.bravepages.com/
Download: http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/24992/download.aspx
Family: MsDosEditors
Platform: MS-DOS
License: Shareware

Changed: 5c10,12
homepage: http://eji.com/
It was produced with Eric Isaacson's A86 assembler.

(Downloadable version is unlimited shareware, with no nags or time limits. Registration gets you an ASM Master source CD, and a reduced price on Edit86, a more powerful successor product.)

 Text editor is written in assembly language to write ASM programs for x86 processors.  

 Author:   Rick Hall
 Homepage: http://ez86.bravepages.com/
 Download: http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/24992/download.aspx
 Family:   MsDosEditors
 Platform: MS-DOS
 License:  Shareware

It was produced with Eric Isaacson's A86 assembler.

(Downloadable version is unlimited shareware, with no nags or time limits. Registration gets you an ASM Master source CD, and a reduced price on Edit86, a more powerful successor product.)

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Last edited April 3, 2007 10:26 pm (diff)