G Manual

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Difference (from revision 2 to current revision) (no other diffs)

Removed: 1d0

Changed: 303c302
G expands the
(tilde) character at the start of a filename or
G expands the ~ (tilde) character at the start of a filename or

Changed: 306c305
is just before the pathname separators '/' or '\'.
the ~ is just before the pathname separators '/' or '\'.

		       T H E   G   E D I T O R

			  Reference Manual

		       Jeremy Hall - 95/10/20


      0.  Introduction
      1.  Getting Started
	  1.1   Installation (DOS)
	  1.2   Installation (UNIX)
      2.  Glossary
      3.  The G Command Line
	  3.1   More on the Initial Command
      4.  The Screen Editor
	  4.1   Screen Format
	  4.2   Screen Commands
	  4.3   Quick Reference
	  4.4   Home Commands
      5.  The Context Editor
	  5.1   Command Endpoints
	  5.2   Control of Repetition
	  5.3   Conditional Execution
	  5.4   The G Verbs
	  5.5   Supplementary Commands
	  5.6   Arithmetic
	  5.7   Regular Expressions
	  5.8   Shorthand Forms
	  5.9   Environment
      6.  The Line Editor
	  6.1   The Prompt
      7.  Built in Macros
      8.  Binary Data
	  8.1   Display
	  8.2   Insertion
	  8.3   Searching
	  8.4   Transformations
	  8.5   Parity
      9.  Limits

0. Introduction

This text editor for DOS and UNIX combines features from many sources. For example, the macro language was derived from ICL mainframe editors, regular expressions (among other things) come from VI, the screen editor keystrokes are similar to WordStar, and the arithmetic has the syntax of the 'C' programming language.

The macro language has loops, conditionals and arithmetic. G programs or individual commands may run from the command line, from an edit file, or from a "home" area at the top of the screen (interactively, so that the effects can be seen). In some cases G is powerful enough to replace commands like "sed", "awk", and "cut", often when used as a pipe-line filter. The editor language uses a conceptually simple two-file transcription (copy/edit) paradigm which is transparent for the casual screen editor user.

G is designed to be as efficient as possible, to be highly portable, and to enable manipulation of large files. G has a very fast startup time and needs comparatively little memory. On a decent UNIX machine it is quite feasible to edit a million record file. G also provides a more flexible way of viewing files than commands like "type", "pg" or "more". Although G is not intended to be a fully featured word processor, it does have a basic paragraph formatting ability and can easily produce simple documents.

Although G is FreeWare?, I would greatly appreciate a short e-mail if you use it and will be very interested in any comments or suggestions. Thanks! You are also welcome to email questions or problems to me at the address below, but I can't guarantee an instant response.

E-mail: jah@ilena.demon.co.uk

Currently G is available for most flavours of UNIX and MSDOS/PCDOS for the 386 or later (8086/286 version available on request). G has been tested on MSDOS 3.30 and EGA onwards. It should run on earlier video standards, even 40 column, as long as the screen is directly writable. G runs fine in a DOS box from Windows 3.x, NT, OS/2 and Windows 95. UNIX versions tested include: HP-UX 9 and 10, ICL DRS/NX (sparc & x86) and MPlus, Solaris 2.x (sparc & x86), Linux 1.2.8, IBM AIX 3.25 and 4.1x, DG/UX (AViiON?) 3.1/4.1, SCO 5, Pyramid DC/OSx?, and UnixWare?.

While G isn't very customizable, the source is included in the distribution. Please forward any source changes for ports, bug fixes, or modifications to the above email address so that improvements may be passed on to all in future releases.

You may copy G as often as you wish or give it to anyone who wants it. Please do not ever sell G although you may of course charge a small amount of money to cover materials and handling.

The first implementation of the context editor kernel was written by Robert Ash and Roger McCalman? at Aberystwyth University (UK) in 1981.


1. Getting Started

Having just unzipped G, you can try it right away by typing:-

	g g.txt

To get help, press F1 (then press "return" to get each page), to get out of G, press ESC or F7. You can move around and make simple alterations to the text in the usual way, that is, use the arrow keys, page up/down, tabs etc. to move around, and the delete key and back arrow (at the top right) to remove characters. Text is simply typed in. All the WordStar commands require the "control" key to be pressed but they are not needed for simple edits.

To get into the text from the "home" area just press down arrow. Don't worry about the home area for now, this is where the powerful context editor commands are given. To exit and save the file back to disk, press F8.

The remainder of this document is the detailed G reference manual. It is best printed with a fixed pitch font such as Courier.

1.1 Installation (DOS)

G comprises a single file "g.exe" (88426 bytes long). There are no configuration files or environment variables to be set up. To install G it is simply necessary to copy g.exe to somewhere on your path. To find out what your path is, type: path <return>. You will get a list of directories, Since editors tend to be frequently used its worth putting g.exe in the first directory on the path. There is no harm in putting it in the DOS or the WINDOWS directory. To get G to start really quickly, you could copy g.exe to a ram disk. To do this place the following in config.sys if not already there:


The option /E means use "extended" memory. The 128 means a 128k byte ram disk, you could of course make it bigger, and store other commonly used programs on it. The ram disk is usually created as D: or E:. Consult the DOS manual for details. Then edit autoexec.bat to copy in G on startup:

    copy c:\utils\g.exe e: 
This is assuming "c:\utils" is where you put G on the hard disk. Set the path so that the ram disk is looked at first:


The DOS version of G understands UNIX files and filenames (paths separated by the forward '/' character). To save conventional memory the real mode (16bit) DOS version only, has some features removed. Mostly in line mode, these are, the $ template, the IA, IB, IS, and W verbs, and the line editor. There is help only on the screen editor keystrokes.

1.2 Installation (UNIX)

To install G it is simply necessary to copy it to somewhere on your path (echo $PATH to give a list of directories) and ensure it has "execute" access (chmod +x g).

To make it available to all users, put it in the same place as "vi" or "ed". Try: "ls -l /usr/bin/vi", or "ls -l /bin/vi" and give it similar ownership and permissions, e.g.

	cp g /bin/g
	chown bin /bin/g
	chgrp bin /bin/g
	chmod 555 /bin/g

On systems with a UNIX base earlier than SVR4 you could chmod 1555 to set the "sticky" bit for fast startup.

To install it just for your own use :-

	mkdir bin      /* if its not there */
	cp g bin/g
	echo $PATH     /* add $HOME/bin if its not there */

Log out and back in again to ensure its all set up.

The only other thing that must be correct is the environment variable $TERM. If you have been using vi or other screen applications already, this will probably be set OK anyway and G will run fine. Vi however is monochrome only, and while G runs happily in monochrome, its much nicer in colour. Try echo $TERM to see what you are currently using. If its doc18, or vt220, vt100 or similar, try changing to "doc18-c" or hpterm for HP/UX. If its the console of an intel machine it may be set to AT386-M, try changing to "AT386", or "console", or "ansi" for SCO. To try a new terminal type prefix the G command with TERM=new-term, E.g. "TERM=doc18-c g fred" if it looks good, set it for this session with "export TERM=doc18-c" (ksh) and then perhaps alter your .profile. You should be asked the terminal type when you log in, give the new value, and it will become the default in future.

2. Glossary

    Shell               Command line interpreter.  On  UNIX  this  is
			usually  'ksh',  'sh' or 'csh'.  On DOS it is

    Record              Another word for a file "line".

    Old/Input? file      The file that text is being copied from.

    New/Output? file     The file that text is being copied to.

    Transcribe          Copy text from the old to the new file.

    Endpoint            Command qualifier specifying when or where a
			command should finish.

    Regular Expression  An elaborate form of "wild card" notation for
			search strings and replacements.

    Primary Files       The files that G transcribes to and from.

    Transient File      An  in-core temporary file used for cut/paste
			operations (a clipboard).

    Edit Files          Files  (often  called  Batch  or  Use  files)
			containing context  editor  commands.   These
			files have names suffixed with ".g".

    ASCII               American   Standard   Code   for  Information
			Interchange.  Standard character set  that  G

    Verb                Context   editor   command  starting  with  a

    Hexadecimal         Radix  16  notation  for  explicitly denoting
			character codes.  The numbers 10  to  15  are
			given as A - F.

    EOF                 End Of File. Usually refers to the old file.

    EOR                 End Of Record.

3. The G Command Line

The shell command line used to invoke G permits use as a filter, or editing of a specific file.

	G  filename
		edit the file specified

	G  filename  anotherfilename
		edit from filename to anotherfilename

	G  filename  -
		edit filename to standard output

	G  -  filename
		edit standard input to filename


	G  -  -
		edit the standard input to the standard output

If the standard input is not used for data it may instead be used for edit commands.

The normal action is to go straight into full screen mode.

G accepts five command line "option" flags introduced by a hyphen. These are :-

	-r      read-only mode. G will not allow the Input file to be

	-b      binary mode. G will not alter tabs or trailing spaces
		in  a  file.   Tabs  appear on the screen as ordinary
		control characters (Control-I).  See  section  8  for
		more details.

	-c "initial command"
		An  initial G context editor command.  If the command
		doesn't start with one of the option letters (R B C S
		or V), the option letter "C" may be omitted.  See the
		next section for some examples.

	-s number
		Screen soft tab width (defaults to every four).

	-v      Prints G version/author information and quits.

Should you wish to edit a file whose name starts with a '-', prefix it with "./".

G expands the ~ (tilde) character at the start of a filename or system command even if the shell doesn't. Tilde is substituted with whatever the environment variable HOME contains. This only happens if the ~ is just before the pathname separators '/' or '\'.

DOS pathnames may be separated with the forward '/' as well as the traditional '\'. For example:

	g /windows/system.ini    and    g \windows\system.ini

are both valid DOS commands.

Finally, UNIX filenames starting with ! are taken as system commands, G reads from the standard output of the command if its an input file, and writes to the standard input of the command if its an output file.

Here are some example command lines:-

To simply edit a C program in the normal way:

	g demo.c

is all that is needed. To create a different version without touching the original (similar to "copy demo.c newdemo.c; g newdemo.c"):

	g demo.c newdemo.c

A very common requirement is to view program output as an alternative to "more":

	lint *.c | g

Corrections may then be made to the source files without leaving the lint listing by calling G from within itself. Using G as a file viewer means you need to remember one less set of commands and it has more powerful features for moving around and finding things.

For now don't worry about the details of each command, its the use of the command line that's of interest here.

Here is a complete command to edit a named file by changing all occurrences of fred to bill by calling the built in macro "c":

	g somefile -c ".c/fred/bill/,e"

using G as a filter:

	dir | g "-p7,t/ /,pe,e" >filelist

Here the header (also the initial . and .. entries) and trailer of a DOS directory listing are silently removed before the file list is written out. To count lines that are exactly two letters long:

	g fred - "-(pr/^..$/,t)e,e"  |  wc -l

and so on.

In most cases, the G command is quoted to avoid unwanted interference from the shell.

	g !cal this_month

puts a calendar in the file this_month allowing you to edit it first (using the UNIX command "cal").

Very complicated commands will not usually work first time. They may also be needed more than once. In such cases, the command sequence may be placed in a file (here it is "page.g"):

	cat fred.doc  |  g -upage.g  |  lp

might invoke your own paginator in page.g. See the section describing the U verb for more details. This mechanism may be used to include more "standard" macros by "using" an edit file containing macro definitions. These may be defaulted with: alias g='g -umacros.g,:'.

If a named file is being edited the standard input may be used for commands:

	g fred.doc - <page.g  |  lp

This has the same effect as the command above started with cat. This is particularly useful in UNIX shell scripts where the edit commands may be given as "here" documents.

	g $1 <<end_g_com
	(p./ / p.s t)e #

3.1 More on the Initial Command

This invaluable feature may be used to override the default action of the editor, set up macros or even perform a complete edit. An edit file may be used via the U verb in the normal way to execute complex batch edits.

If the initial command specifies E at the end and the edit is successful, G exits to the system rather than prompting you for further edit commands. Unless an error occurs, no messages are produced when G is used in this way. This is very useful for altering files from within shell scripts.

	g fred -t20,pe,e

silently truncates the file fred. Conversely, to delete a four line header from "outfile":

	g outfile -p4,e

There several more examples of this sort of usage in the previous section.

When an initial command is given, the usual automatic entry into the screen editor is suppressed and the editor starts in line mode.

The ':' command is used to switch between screen mode and line mode working, To execute some commands prior to a normal full screen edit, try:

	g  fred  -t500,:

which starts the editor at line 500.

To simply force line-mode working, give a null initial command such as:

	g  fred  -,     (',' is treated as a space and ignored)

One use of this is to set up G as the ksh command line editor instead of the vi-like system that is the default. Place the following command in your ".profile" in the home directory:

	export FCEDIT='g -,'

You may now type just 'fc' to edit and re-execute previous commands using G's line editor. All the features of G are available, so if its a big multi-line command, use the ':' verb to flip into full screen mode to make the changes.

4. The Screen Editor

The screen editor is used for the vast majority of ad-hoc edits and is the normal mode of working. The key sequences are similar to WordStar but the resulting actions sometimes differ. A quick reference to the keystrokes is printed at the end of this chapter and is available by pressing F1, or (DOS only) giving the home command "help".

Full screen mode is entered automatically on entry to G unless an initial command is given. Normally the first page of the file is displayed and the cursor placed in the home area.

4.1 Screen Format

The screen is divided into two areas. The top three lines of the screen are special and the remainder displays a portion of the file.

The "status" line is at the top of the screen and provides information about your position and files. The information comprises three sections: cursor position, file names, and line/file lengths. The cursor position field looks like:

	LINE nn.mm (hh)   for example:   LINE 212.33 (20)

The first figure is the line number in the file, the second is the column number within the line. Note that within G, lines and columns are counted from zero. The two digits in brackets after the line and column number are the hexadecimal value of the character under the cursor. If the cursor is beyond the end of the line these change to "EOR" (End Of Record), and when the cursor is beyond the end of the file "EOF" (End Of File) is displayed. When the cursor is in the home area the file line is displayed for the first line of the screen (the line context editor commands will act upon).

The file names are presented in the centre as:

	old_file  >GI>  new_file

Old_file and new_file are the current input and output files of the editor, the '>'s show the direction of the edit. If only a single file was given on the command line, these names are the same. The "I" indicates "insert" or "expand" mode, and changes to "O" during "overwrite" mode.

The file and line lengths are given on the right hand side:

	EOR nn EOF nnn   for example:   EOR 12 EOF 330

This indicates that "End Of Record" is at column 12 for the current line (the line the cursor is positioned on) and "End Of File" is at record 330. When the cursor is beyond the end of the file the end of record field is suppressed. When the cursor is in the home area the displayed EOR refers to the first line of the screen (the line context editor commands will act upon).

The command line (or "home" area) is the second line down between the status line and the scale line. Context editor commands may be given from here with the results displayed immediately on the screen. The Home key (or ^QH or ^KH) is used to move backwards and forwards between the command line and the file area. In addition, the home area may be left with the down arrow key which skips over the status line and leaves the cursor in the corresponding column of the first file line. This is also true of the return key, only if there is no text on the command line. When the cursor moves between the file area and the home area its last coordinates are remembered.

Commands typed in on the home area may be edited just as if they were ordinary text lines. Text from the file area may be moved to the command line for use as part of a command. In addition, commands from the history may be retrieved and edited to form new ones.

The "scale" line is simply a ruler of column numbers to help with data alignment. Any command connected with paragraphing shows the current margin settings on this line. If the screen "window" in the file shifts sideways (while editing long lines) the scale shows the new column numbers.

The "file area" displays a page of text from the file being edited. It can be thought of as a rectangular "window" into the file that may be moved backwards, forwards, left and right. The window is automatically moved around as the cursor reaches a screen boundary or the status line.

Selected text and the destinations of search operations are displayed in red. This helps to verify that a complicated Regular Expression pattern has matched what you thought it would.

4.2 Screen Commands

In the description of each command, the notation ^X means control-X. The "control" or "Ctrl" key should be pressed at the same time as the character concerned. The most common commands need one key stroke but there are many that involve two. These start with ^Q, ^K or ^O and are followed by a second key. This key is not shown in the form ^X because it may be given as X, x or ^X for convenience.

To enter text in the file simply move the cursor to the desired position and type away. There are two modes of working, "expand" mode, and "overwrite" mode. Expand mode shifts the remainder of the line back and forth when characters are inserted or deleted. This is the normal mode and the default on entry. Overwrite mode is useful when columnar data is to be preserved or to save typing during simple corrections.

One important difference between G and WordStar or Vi is that G does not place so much importance on "end of line" or "end of file". Should the cursor move past the end of a line no action is taken (other than the cursor movement) until a character is inserted, in which case it simply extends the line, padding out the gap with spaces. Similarly beyond end of file, the file is expanded and empty lines added to fill the gap.

A quick summary of the following can be found at the end of this section and may also be obtained from within the editor with the "hw", command, or, for DOS just press F1.

4.2.1 Single Key Commands

    1.  ^E, ^X, ^S, ^D and the arrow keys
	are the cursor movement keys - up,   down,   left  and  right

    2.  ^A,  ^F, ^T and ^B
	provide  word  move  backwards/forwards   and   word   delete
	left/right  operations  respectively.  These keys move to the
	start of the next word or  punctuation  either  backwards  or
	forwards.  Words comprise the letters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ .
	Lines will be skipped and  the  screen  shifted  sideways  as
	needed.   Word  delete  is  a  particularly useful key.  When
	pressed between two words it deletes all whitespace and blank
	lines  before  the  next  word but leaves the word untouched.
	When pressed at the start of a word it deletes the  word  and
	all  spaces up to the next word.  Punctuation is deleted as a
	word would be.  WordStar does not  recognise  punctuation  in
	word  operations,   G treats punctuation as a special kind of
	word (as does vi). ^B acts similarly to ^T but in the reverse
	(left) direction.

    3.  ^W and ^Z
	scroll the window up and down one line.  The cursor  position
	is not changed.

    4.  ^R and ^C, or Prev/Next? or Page Up/Page? Down
	move  the  file  window  up and down by one screen full.  The
	cursor position is not changed.

    5.  ^G, or DEL
	The ^G key deletes the character under the cursor. If pressed
	beyond the end of a line the newline is deleted and the  next
	line  joined  on  to  the  current  line  at  that point.  In
	overwrite mode these keys simply replace the character with a

    6.  ^H, "Rub Out" or the big left arrow above <return>.
	move  the  cursor left and delete the character under it.  If
	pressed at the start of a line,  the  newline  is  deleted  -
	appending it to the line above.  In overwrite mode these keys
	simply replace the character with a space.

    7.  ^N, ^M or <return>
	insert new lines into the text.  ^N opens a blank line  under
	the cursor leaving the cursor position unchanged.  The return
	key (which is the same as ^M) splits the line at  the  cursor
	position  and leaves the cursor on the next line in the first

    8.  ^Y, ^U and ^J
	provide line deletion and restoration.  ^Y deletes  the  line
	under  the  cursor.  The line is saved on a stack in case the
	key was pressed by mistake. The ^U key restores the last line
	deleted  by  "popping"  it  off  the  top  of  the  stack and
	inserting it under the cursor.  A convenient way  to  move  a
	line  (or  several  lines)  is to delete it (them),  move the
	cursor to the new position and restore it (them) with the  ^U
	key.   The  ^J key simply saves the current line on the stack
	without deleting it.  This can be used in a  similar  way  to
	copy one or more lines.  ^J^U is a quick way to duplicate the
	line under the cursor.

    9.  ^I, Tab and Back-Tab
	move the cursor to the next or previous tab position.   These
	are "soft" tabs.  No 'tab' character is inserted in the file.
	They are only used for alignment or rapid  left-right  cursor
	movement.  A real tab may be inserted with ^PI if needed. The
	tab width is determined by the command line "-s" option,  and
	defaults to every fourth column.

   10.  ^Pc
	enters  a  control  character  into  the file.  Here 'c' is a
	letter (upper or lower case or  a  control  character).   The
	corresponding control character is inserted. For example, ^pg
	would insert the bell character (control-G).

   11.  ^V or Insert
	toggle  expand/overwrite  mode.   The  editor is initially in
	expand mode.

   12.  ^L
	moves on in the file to the next matching line.  ^L  is  used
	after  a  find (^QF),  a "/string" home command.

   13.  Home
	toggles the cursor between the home area and the  file  area.
	The original position is remembered when this key is pressed.
	Same as ^QH. See also the similar ^KH.

   14.  ^left arrow and ^right arrow
	shift the window left and right in the file.  These keys  are
	not available on all terminals.

4.2.2 Function Keys

These all duplicate common keys which should be referred to for a full description. They may not be available on all systems.

    1.  F1
	displays the screen editor help text.

    2.  F2, F3 and F4
	mark the beginning (F2) and end (F3) of a word,  phrase,   or
	block.  Retrieve with F4.  Same as ^KB,  ^KK,  and ^KC.  If a
	block (e.g.  more than one line) is marked, the text is saved
	in the transient file.

    3.  F5 and F6
	read and write blocks of text to and from a file.  Please see
	descriptions of the equivalent ^KR and ^KW below for details.

    4.  F7 and F8
	abandon the edit or save the file and exit.  Same as ^KQ  and
	^KX.   These keys prompt if the file has changed.  On DOS the
	ESC key will exit without saving the file.

    5.  F9
	retrieve last home command.  Same as ^QK. Repeatedly pressing
	F9 scrolls back through the command history.

    6.  F10
	save the file without leaving the editor.  Same as ^KS.  This
	is a useful checkpoint save.  The user is prompted whever the
	the file has been changed or not.

4.2.3 Quick Key Commands

All of these commands are started with a "control-Q". They are intended as short cut's or larger scale operations than the single keys.

    1.  ^QS and ^QD (or End)
	move the cursor to the start or end of the current line.

    2.  ^QE and ^QX
	move the cursor to the top or bottom of the screen.

    3.  ^QR and ^QC
	move the cursor to the start or end of the entire file.

    4.  ^Q DEL and ^QY
	erase from the cursor position to the start  or  end  of  the
	line.   In  both  cases if the entire line is deleted,  it is
	saved on the stack.

    5.  ^QB
	justifies  the  paragraph from the current line downwards and
	leaves the cursor at the start of the first  line  after  the
	paragraph.   Since  the paragraph formatter skips blank lines
	and lines starting with a dot  found  before  the  paragraph,
	repeatedly  typing this command enables many paragraphs to be
	formatted in quick succession.

    6.  ^QH
	switches between the home area  and  the  file  area  as  the
	"Home" key does.

    7.  ^QK
	overwrites the command line with the previous command in  the
	saved list of context editor commands.  Same as F9.

    8.  ^QJ
	prints the quick reference section (below) on the  screen  by
	calling the "HW" (Help WordStar) context editor command.  The
	display pauses after every section. To move on, press return.

    9.  ^QQ<key>
	repeat  the command following until the space bar is pressed.
	Initially,  the command is repeated every 200ms but the  rate
	may  be  altered  by  pressing  a  digit key - the larger the
	number the slower the speed.  Press 0 (zero) and the  command
	is repeated as fast as possible.  To be more precise, between
	0 and 5, the rate is every digit*100ms, between 6 and 9,  the
	rate  is  every  digit*400ms.  The latter allows more relaxed
	browsing a file with repeated page downs  for  example.   The
	command  following  may  be  any  other standard key sequence
	including of course a simple character.   To  browse  a  file
	press  ^QQ<page  down>9 which repeats the page down key every
	few seconds).  To get down the file very quickly  indeed  try
	^QQ<page  down>0  !  To insert a row of hyphens try ^QQ- then
	press the 1 or even the 0 key to speed things up. ^QQ^QB will
	format an entire file.

   10.  ^QW and ^QZ
	are  abbreviations  for  ^QQ^W0 and ^QQ^Z0 respectively which
	start the screen scrolling up and down.

   11.  ^QF
	searches for a string. A regular expression search pattern is
	requested.   Type  it in and press return.  Don't worry about
	delimiters.  If  the  search  succeeds  the  window  will  be
	positioned  such that the matched string is under the cursor.
	The matched segment of the line will be marked in red. The ^L
	command  may be used to find the next occurrence.  The search
	string may be edited in the normal way but  pressing  ^U  (or
	ESC on DOS) will abandon the command. (Use ^PU to get ^U into
	the string).

   12.  ^QA
	requests a search string like ^QF and also a replacement.  If
	the pattern is found,  the cursor is positioned over it,  the
	matched text is marked in red and you are prompted to replace
	the text with the previously given replacement.  Reply with a
	'Y' or 'y' for yes, anything else for no.  The search is then
	automatically repeated.  A 'Q' or ^U (or ESC on DOS) given in
	reply will abandon the operation.

   13.  ^QI
	requests a line number and moves  to  it.   The  line  number
	defaults to zero (the top of the file).

   14.  ^QGc
	waits for a character from the  keyboard  and  then  searches
	forwards on the screen for it.   If "return" is typed instead
	of a character, the cursor is placed at the first blank line.

   15.  ^QV
	this   command   attempts  to  match  parenthesis,   strings,
	sentences,  and statements in the text.  It places the cursor
	over the matching character.  The action taken depends on the
	character currently under the cursor according to the table:-

	character under cursor     target character      direction
( ) forwards ) ( backwards [ ] forwards ] [ backwards { } forwards } { backwards " ' ` / the same character forwards any other character . ; ! ? forwards

4.2.4 Block Commands

    1.  ^KW and ^KA
	write  or append a block of text to a file.  The filename and
	an endpoint are requested.   If  no  filename  is  given  the
	transient file is written to. The endpoint should be given as
	described in section 5.1.  If no endpoint is given the entire
	transient  file  is  written  out.   The  transient file will
	usually have been created by marking a block with F2 and  F3.
	Otherwise,   text  from  the cursor line downwards is written
	(^KW) or appended (^KA) to the file  until  the  endpoint  is
	reached.  When the file does not exist it is created.  If the
	filename starts with an exclamation mark  (!),   then  it  is
	taken  to be the pathname of a program which is then run with
	its standard input connected to G  (UNIX  only).   The  block
	becomes input data for the program. You could write a section
	of 20 lines to "lp" for example.

    2.  ^KR
	requests a filename and inputs the file at the current cursor
	position.  If no filename is given the transient file is used
	(which  would  normally  have been created by marking a block
	with F2 and F3). It is not possible to read in part of a file
	from  the  screen editor,  to do this use the Merge verb from
	the context editor.  As with ^KW a filename starting  '!'  is
	executed with its standard output connected to G (UNIX only).
	The output of the program is inserted below the cursor.

    3.  ^K! and ^K| (UNIX only)
	prompt you for the name of a shell command.   For  ^K!,   the
	command  given is executed and the results (from its standard
	output) inserted in the text at the cursor position.  This is
	similar  to  ^KR with !filename but the screen is not cleared
	beforehand and any error messages it produces are lost.   ^K|
	requests  a  command  and  also  an Endpoint.  Text up to the
	Endpoint is filtered through the command.  This  facility  is
	particularly  useful  with commands like "sort".  The text is
	written to the standard input of the command and deleted from
	your  file.  Any results the command produces on the standard
	output are then placed in the file at  the  cursor  position.
	The  screen  is  not cleared and any standard error output is
	discarded.  Beware of commands that don't produce any output!

    4.  ^KU
	requests a filename  which  is  assumed  to  contain  context
	editor  commands  (an "edit" file) and executes it.  The line
	under the cursor is the current line when the command file is

    5.  ^KB, ^KK and ^KC  (same as F2, F3 and F4)
	mark words,  groups of words,  or a block of lines for future
	use. ^KB marks the start and ^KK the end. The block so marked
	may be retrieved as many times as wished until another  block
	is  marked.   It is also possible to mark part of the command
	line. If the marked block spans more than one line, the block
	is saved in the transient file, otherwise the line segment is
	saved in an independent buffer and the transient file is  not
	touched.   To  retrieve the saved block use ^KC or F4 and the
	block will be inserted at the cursor position.  The new block
	may be inserted anywhere in the file, outside the file, or on
	the command line (single lines only).

    6.  ^KQ, ^KX and ^KD
	all exit the screen editor and/or G itself.  ^KQ (or F7,   or
	ESC  on  DOS)  abandons  the  entire  edit and returns to the
	operating system.  Confirmation is requested by G if the file
	has  been changed before you throw away all your work!  It is
	therefore safer than typing 'Q' on the command line.  ^KX (or
	F8) is equivalent to typing 'E' on the command line, it saves
	the file and returns to the  operating  system.   ^KD  simply
	exits the screen editor and reverts to single line mode. This
	is equivalent to typing ':' on the command line.  You have to
	use ':' to return to screen mode of course.

    7.  ^KS (same as F10)
	writes out the file as if ^KX had been pressed but  does  not
	leave  the  screen  editor.   It  is  intended  for  use as a
	checkpoint save.

    8.  ^KP
	sends the file to the printer. Usually, the screen will clear
	and a message from the print spooler appears.

    9.  ^KZ or Clear
	clears and redraws the screen should it get untidy  for  some
	reason (a system message perhaps).

   10.  ^KO
	requests a filename which then replaces the old  file.   This
	effectively restarts the edit.  If no filename is given,  the
	previous old file is reloaded  (a  quick  way  of  discarding
	changes). Any alterations to the previous file are lost. This
	is useful if you misspell the filename on the  command  line,
	it  saves  having to leave the editor and come back in.  (The
	context editor command "O" followed by return is quicker here
	since  you  are  already  on  the command line.) It is also a
	quick way of re-trying a complex home command line because of
	course the command history is retained.

   11   ^KH
	switches  between the home area and the file area as the home
	key and ^QH do,  but when moving from the text  area  to  the
	home area, the screen is scrolled up such that the line under
	the cursor when ^KH was pressed  becomes  the  top  line  and
	therefore the context editor current line.

   12   ^KE
	temporarily  leaves  the  editor  for  the operating system's
	command line. On typing "exit" or ^D, the screen is refreshed
	and editing continues unaffected. The same as ! <return> from
	the command line.

   13.  ^KF
	lists  all  files  in the current directory in columns on the

   14.  ^KL
	requests  a  directory  name and changes the "current working
	directory" to the one given.  Any files then written  without
	an  absolute  pathname  will  be  created relative to the new
	directory's position.

   15.  ^K?
	Displays in a window some statistics  about  the  file  being
	edited.  For example:

	    Lines   Words   Punct.  Cntrl.  Sent.   L.O.C   Chars.
	    1144    3176    5313    0       92      460     26043

	L.O.C (Lines Of Code) simply counts the number of  semicolons
	and  is  of  course meaningless for a document.  "Sent." is a
	count of the '.', '!' and '?' characters.

4.2.5 Justification

In addition to ^QB, there are a number of commands connected with justification and paragraph format. After any of these commands, the left and right margin columns are displayed on the scale line as '<' and '>' overlaid in magenta.

    1.  ^OL and ^OR
	set  the  left  and  right margins respectively.  The current
	cursor column is taken as the new margin.

    2.  ^OJ
	switches  right  adjustment on and off during formatting.  By
	default both left  and  right  margins  are  adjusted.   With
	adjustment  on,   gaps  between the words are padded out with
	spaces until the end of the last word reaches the right  hand
	margin.   Priority  is given to ends of sentences and comma's
	when choosing gaps to add spaces to.

    3.  ^OS
	sets line spacing during formatting.  You are asked  for  the
	number  of  blank lines to be inserted between each text line
	which may be between 0 (the default) and 9. One (1) therefore
	results in "double" spacing.

    4.  ^OB
	justifies text from the cursor position to  the  end  of  the
	paragraph.   Paragraphs  are  ended  by a blank line,  a line
	starting with a dot '.' (text formatter control  line)  or  a
	line  starting with a control character.  The cursor does not
	move on in  the  file.   Overhanging  or  initially  indented
	paragraphs are simple, since formatting starts at the current
	cursor column.  This is the  most  commonly  used  formatting
	command. (WordStar had this as ^B, even in non-document mode,
	which is too easy to type by mistake,  possibly wrecking much
	code or data).

    5.  ^OC
	centres  the  current line within the margins.  An attempt is
	still made even if the line is wider than the margins.

    6.  ^OW
	toggle  word  wrap  when  inserting text.  Text typed after a
	right margin is moved (the entire word) to the next line.

4.3 Quick Reference

This listing may be obtained with the keys F1, ^QJ or the home command help (16bit DOS) or "hw".

^A Word move left ^N Open blank line ^B Word delete left ^Pc Enter control character c ^C Page down ^R Page up ^D Cursor right ^S Cursor left ^E Cursor up ^T Word delete right ^F Word move right ^U Restore deleted lines ^G Delete character ^V/Insert? Overwrite/insert mode ^H Delete character left ^W Scroll up one line ^I Horizontal tab ^X Cursor down ^J Save current line ^Y Delete current line ^L Repeat search/replace ^Z Scroll down one line ^M Split line ^N Insert line

^Q DEL Erase to start of line ^QA Search and replace ^QB Justify and move on ^QC Move to end of file ^QD/End? Cursor to end of line ^QE Cursor to top of screen ^QF Search for string ^QGc Find character ^QH/Home? Cursor Home ^QI Move to line number ^QJ/F1 Display help text ^QK/F9 Recall home commands ^QQ Repeat command ^QR Move to top of file ^QS Cursor to start of line ^QV Match brackets/strings ^QW Fast repeat scroll up ^QX Cursor to bot. of screen ^QY Erase to end of line ^QZ Fast repeat scroll down

^KA Append block to file ^KB/F2 Mark start of block ^KC/F4 Copy from marked block ^KD Exit SE, stay in G ^KE Spawn shell ^KF List files ^KH Home and move line to top ^KK/F3 Mark end of block ^KL Change directory ^KO Re-read oldfile ^KP Print file ^KQ/F7/ESC Abandon edit ^KR/F4 Read in file ^KS/F10 Save file ^KU Use (execute) edit file ^KW/F3 Write block to file ^KX/F8 Save file and exit ^K? Display file statistics

^OB Justify paragraph ^OC Centre current line ^OL Set left margin ^OR Set right margin ^OS Set line spacing ^OJ Toggle right adjust ^OW Toggle word-wrap

4.4 Home Commands

Any context editor command may be given from the command (home) line. The screen will be redrawn after the command has terminated and will show the results of the command. Should the command require some interaction or screen output, the screen is cleared and after the command has finished you are prompted before the screen is refreshed.

If the file position is changed by the command the new position stays in effect. This enables you to use the context editor for positioning in the file. On the other hand if you wish to view the results of a command you have to return to the current position. A convenient way of doing this is with the "@" verb:

	(i/    / t)/}/ @

This indents a C language subroutine - on the screen. The "@" verb is a short hand notation for "T#{@}".

When a home command is executed the first line of the screen window becomes the current line. This line is directly below the scale line which is useful while formulating column commands. On termination of the command, the first line is again the current line.

See section 5.8 or HS (Help Shorthand) for some useful abbreviations of common positioning commands. For example, it is possible to move to a particular line number by just typing the number on the command line and pressing return. Similarly, you can find a string by giving /<string> and pressing return.

5. The Context Editor

This is the basic framework of the editor. It provides positioning, searching and large-scale changes to the file. For most work the screen-editor is easier to use. Anything repetitive however is best done with the context editor. The context editor is driven by an "editing language" which has verbs, loops and conditionals. Commands specified in this language may be given on a line by line basis by the user at a terminal, passed as a command line option, or they may be prepared in advance as a "batch" program and re-used many times. Most usefully, they are given from the screen editor home position so that the results may be seen immediately.

The context editor maintains two temporary files, the 'input' or 'old' file and the 'output' or 'new' file. During an edit text is copied from the old to the new file as a conceptual pointer moves down the old file.

This "selective copy" mechanism considerably simplifies the editing process. Only three basic operations are needed to achieve all possible editing actions:-

Transcription Move text unchanged to the output file. The text may

		come from any position in the input file.  The effect
		is to move forward through the file without  changing

Positioning Move the pointer in the input file independently from

		the output file.  The effect of this is to  duplicate
		or  delete  text.  If the input file pointer is moved
		forwards,  the text passed over will  not  be  copied
		into  the  output file when copying is later resumed.
		This deletes the text.  On the other  hand,   if  the
		input  file  pointer were to be moved backwards,  the
		same  text  would  be  copied  twice   (duplication).
		Alternatively, the pointer may be positioned anywhere
		in the input file,  a section of text copied  to  the
		output  file and then the input file pointer returned
		to its original position.

Insertion Add new text into the output file that has not come

		from  the  input.   It is possible to insert multiple
		records or just a few letters in a line.

These three actions are invoked by the T, P and I verbs respectively. For example:

    t20 p20 te

deletes the lines 20 - 40 from the file, and:

    t.10 i/hello/

inserts "hello" in the tenth column of the file at the current line.

There are a number of other verbs provided to simplify use of the editor, but the action of all text manipulation verbs may be resolved to the above three.

When the pointer gets to the end of the old file, the roles of the two temporary files are switched so that data just written out is now read in again as the new "old file", and what was the old file is overwritten by the new file. This process repeats for as many times as necessary during an edit. On entry to the editor, the disk file is copied directly to the first temporary file (the old file). On exit, the remainder of the old file after the pointer is copied to the new file which is written back to disk into either the original file, or the second file if two filenames were given on the command line. If the edit is abandoned, the two temporary files are simply discarded.

When the T verb is used with an endpoint that specifies a line previous to the current one it does not copy backwards! The remainder of the old file is copied to the new file, the roles of the files are switched and copying resumes up to the endpoint specified. Thus "T-1" actually copies the entire file bar one line. Although this appears inefficient the files are held internally in a purpose designed virtual storage file system with shared data - the operation is instantaneous since (usually) no actual data is moved.

5.1 Command Endpoints

All commands, where it is meaningful to do so, accept a qualifier which specifies for how long the command is to be repeated. For example, T1 says to transcribe one line, T5 says transcribe 5 lines and TF/fred/ continues until a line Finishing with the word fred is encountered. Similarly, L5 says list the next five lines. In this case, `5` is the end-point and `L` is the command (verb). In addition a group of commands may have an endpoint specified. For example, ( t1 p-1 t1 )5 duplicates the next 5 lines, '5' is the endpoint for the loop clause.

The phrase 'context editor' implies that a particular part of a file is identified by the text that it contains and not by the line number, thus, string searching and pattern matching are fundamental to the action of such an editor. In fact G also permits references to absolute line-numbers and relative offsets or displacements from the current position.

Relative positions and absolute positions may usually specify a record that is previous to the current one. String searches always take place in the forwards direction and terminate at the end of the file. Inside a particular line a similar set of 'endpoints' apply. These are prefixed by a '.' to distinguish them from operations on entire lines. The column endpoints are more restricted (for example the TC operation is meaningless) but are otherwise similar, as are the commands that use them.

Most commands and repetition clauses accept most endpoints to specify for how long the command or loop is to continue.

Strings to be matched are given as a sequence of characters enclosed in delimiters, for example:


Here the / character is used as a delimiter. The delimiter character must not appear inside the string, and may be chosen from the following set:

    / : ? $ % & + ' " ` [ < ] > =

If there are many occurrences of a particular string in a file it may be useful to narrow down the search by applying certain constraints. These are called 'qualifiers'. They appear as one or more characters in front of the string. For example, the command LF/;/ lists the input file until a line Finishing with a semicolon is encountered. It is possible to invert a condition so that for example, LNF/;/ continues listing until a line not ended with a semicolon is found. In practice the most commonly used qualifiers are C to stop at a line 'Containing a string' and the default (ie. with no qualifier) which is to search for a line 'starting' with the string.

These qualifiers are easy to use and cover most requirements. There is however a much more comprehensive and flexible pattern matching mechanism available. The R qualifier causes the string to be interpreted as a regular expression. In this form, there are a number of special 'metacharacters' that direct the search. Regular expressions may also be used with the After, Before and Replace verbs to provide more complex actions than just simple 'replacement', by means of yet more metacharacters in the second (replacement) string. The regular expression notation is not simple and is not recommended for the faint hearted. For those who understand it however, the power offered can save a great deal of work and even make possible edits that would otherwise be impracticable. Section 5.7 describes regular expressions in detail. They are the same as vi's but with minor extensions.

Finally, here is a list describing the action of each endpoint. In the specification the delimiter / is used, but it may be replaced with any of the G delimiters. The letters used may be in upper or lower case. Letters within square brackets are optional. References to "number" mean one or more decimal digits or any numeric expression enclosed in {} (see section 5.6). This list is available in an abbreviated form from the 'he' verb (help endpoints).

E Continue until the end of the file is reached.

[+/-]number Repeat the verb, until "number" lines have passed in the

	    forward  or  backwards direction.  For transcription type
	    commands,  this  may  involve  a  complete  'wrap-around'
	    through line zero.

  1. number Continue executing the verb until the line "number" is
	    reached  in  the  input  file.  The first line has a line
	    number of zero.  It is usually possible to specify a line
	    number that is previous to the current line.

Onumber Continue executing the verb until the line "number" is

	    reached in the output file.

/string/ Continue forward to a line that starts with string.

S/string/ Continue forward to a line whose first non-space

	    characters are string.

C/string/ Continue forward to a line containing string.

F/string/ Continue forward to a line that finishes with string.

R/string/ Continue forward to line that matches the Regular

	    Expression.   See  section  5.7 for a full description of
	    this type of endpoint.

	    many   records  have  passed  by.   See  the  section  on
	    repetition.  If number is missing,  the verb is  repeated
	    until an error condition occurs.

After one of the above moves, the G pointer is always left positioned at the start of the line. In the case of the E end-point this will be a line one more than the true last line of the file.

The string type endpoints may have one or more of three options added in any combination.

These are:

    X   The string is to be specified in hexadecimal notation. Upper
	or  lower case hexadecimal digits may be used and the string
	is delimited in the normal way.

    I   This causes case to be ignored in the search.

    N   This causes the sense of the search to be negated.

A similar notation applies within a line except that references to 'lines' in the description above are simply read as 'columns'. To indicate a column command, the entire endpoint is prefixed with a '.' (dot), for example 'e' means to end of file, '.e' means to end of line. The following differences between line and column endpoints should be noted:

   .S   continue forward to the next non-space character.

  .-S   move backwards to the last non-space character.

  C/string/  F/string/  S/string/
	these are meaningless within lines and are not accepted.

The line and character parts of these qualifiers may be combined, for example:


will delete text up to the start of 'fred' in the next line that contains 'fred' and:

    ( t1.{++n} i/*/ )20

inserts a slanting line of asterisks in the file.

Finally, the forms:



may be used. These repeat the verb or loop "while" or "until" a condition is true. The verify verb is called for every line, or each time round the loop. To find the next line in the file longer than 80 characters:

    tu{ .$ > 80 }

5.2 Control of Repetition

By enclosing any list of G verbs in brackets () they form a repeat clause. The list of verbs is repeatedly executed until a terminating "endpoint" is reached.

It is possible to nest brackets.

    (  (r/xyz/abc/).e  t1  )e

In the above example are introduced two of the many possible conditions that can cause a repeat clause to terminate. Without a condition it is performed once.

    The ).e says to the last character of the line.

    The )e says to the last line of the file.

So the above example means

    Replace the string "xyz" by the string "abc" as many times as  it
    occurs until the end of the line,  then move forward one line and
    repeat all this until the end of the file.  

Please refer to section 5.1 for a list of terminating conditions.

The "*number" endpoint is intended for loop clauses. The following command will repeat the clause exactly 5 times regardless of how many lines have passed:

    ( t5 )*5

moves the pointer on 25 lines, whereas

    ( t5 )5

would only move 5 lines onwards. The number may be an expression enclosed in {}. Similarly, the V (verify) verb may be used in a loop condition (as the 'W' endpoint) providing a "while" loop facility.

    ( i/abc/ t )w{ ++n < $/2 }

This is complemented with 'U', continue "until" condition is met.

There may be several unconnected repeat clauses in the same command line. For example:

    (tc/,/ (r/,/, /).e  t.#0  (r/,  /, /).e  t)e

will place a space after each ',' and then remove any resulting double spaces throughout the source file. This is useful for tidying parameter lists.

Repeat clauses can be used inside macros. Here is a macro similar to the UNIX "grep" command:

    c grep/%1/ (pr`%1` l0 p)e f

Scanning the macro definition from left to right, grep is the name of the macro, the character % will be used in the definition to introduce substitutable arguments and there is one argument. This is followed by the macro body which says 'Position the pointer at a line matching the argument regular expression, print this line, skip it, and repeat the operation to the end of the file. Finally, ignore the repositioning with the F (Forget verb).

This macro may be called by a statement of the form


which lists all included files in a C module.

The macro .grep is a built in G macro; use HM or LM to get a list of macros already defined as they are good examples of how to go about things in G, albeit terse and without comments.

When G verbs are enclosed in brackets recoverable errors are ignored Syntax errors and failing to open files are fatal even within brackets. Consider the statement:


If this fails because xyz is not in the current line an error message is produced, and the cursor isn't moved, whereas


would not fail, but instead would leave the cursor at the end of the line, having not found "xyz". When used to change all occurrences of "xyz" to "abc":


the loop terminates as expected.

Repeat clauses do not accept numerical endpoints that refer to a previous line.

5.3 Conditional Execution

The editing language allows departures from the strictly sequential order in which instructions are obeyed only within a bracketed list of G verbs. As mentioned above, recoverable errors are ignored within a bracketed clause. Normally execution continues with the next verb in the list. Certain instructions however return a flag to indicate failure which the editor then uses to take alternative action. For example:

    ( t/xyz/ i/abc/ )e

Should the search for "xyz" fail, the T verb returns a failure code. The editor reacts to this by scanning forward along the verb list within the clause until the closing bracket is found, upon which the loop is terminated. The I verb is skipped otherwise "abc" would incorrectly be inserted at the end of the file. Clearly, "( i/abc/ t/zyx/ )e" would also be wrong it would incorrectly insert at the start of the file.

When the error flag is raised the editor scans forward to the end of the clause. It will also stop if it finds a conditional separator ';'. The semicolon introduces an alternative list of verbs to be executed should the previous one fail. On reaching the semicolon the error flag is reset by G. When a semicolon is encountered and the error flag is not set, G skips forwards to the end of the clause and iteration continues in the usual way, discarding the alternative verb list.

A semicolon separated sequence of verb-lists is called a conditional clause.

    ( verb_list_1 ; verb_list_2 ; verb_list_n )

If the n'th list fails, execution commences with the next one.

The V verb is used to test for a specific condition without taking any action. It simply sets the error flag appropriately.

    ( v./0/ r/0/NO/ )

checks to see if there is a '0' at the current pointer position, and if there is replaces it with "NO". If there isn't no action is taken.

    ( v./0/ r/0/NO/ ; r/1/YES/ )

checks to see if there is a '0' at the current pointer position and if there is, replaces it with "NO". If there isn't, a '1' is assumed and it is replaced with "YES".

    ( v./0/ r/0/NO/ ; v./1/ r/1/YES/ ; d/error: 0 or 1 expected/// )

is more refined, if the character is not '0' or '1', an error message is displayed.

Conditional clauses may themselves be nested. If a conditional that has failed totally (e.g. there was no semicolon part) is embedded within another conditional, G will continue the search for a semicolon starting just after the closing parenthesis as if any normal verb had failed.

Another example:

    ((vc/A/; vc/B/; vc/C/) p ; t )e

deletes all lines that contain A or B or C in any order.

    ((vc/A/ vc/B/ vc/C/) p ; t )e

deletes all lines that contain A and B and C in any order.

The semicolon character is also used to denote comment lines only when it is the first character on the line.

While "v#50" may be used to check that the editor is currently at line 50, "v50" or "v{50}" do not check that 50 records have passed - its meaningless. Instead the value is compared with zero. If it is zero the error flag is set, anything other than zero is success. The conditional operators in expressions return 1 for a true condition, and zero on a false condition. In fact the handling of conditions and truth values is identical to that in C. For example:

    ( v{ # < $ - 10 } i/fred/ )

Inserts "fred" only if the current line is not close to the end of the file.

    ( v{ # & 1 } i/odd/ t ; i/even/ t )e

Inserts "odd" or "even" as appropriate in front of each line ('&' is the bitwise "and" operator - the modulus or remainder operator '%' could have been used instead: "# % 2" ).

To force an error condition, the construct v0 may be used.

5.4 The G Verbs

Here is an in-depth description of all the G editing verbs. In the specifications the / delimiter is used, but it may be replaced by any G delimiter. In all cases, there is never any gap between the verb letter and its argument (endpoint, option, or filename). Anything appearing between [ and ] is optional, the [] should not be given.

5.4.1 A - After string1 put string2


    A [R] delim string1 delim string2 delim

The A verb is used to place a piece of text after the next occurrence of a specified piece of text in the input line. The search starts from the current cursor position.


This will copy the input line until the text 'flopp' has been copied and then insert the text 'y-disk' generating the text 'floppy-disk' in the output line. The pointer is left immediately after the text 'flopp' in the input line.

A second form of the command causes the strings to be interpreted as regular expressions:

    ar/hello,/ & &/

produces "hello, hello, hello,". In general RE's provide increased flexibility at the expense of simplicity. See section 5.7 for a definition of the RE forms provided. The qualifier R is used to indicate that the strings are regular expressions.

5.4.2 B - Before string1 put string2


    B [R] delim string1 delim string2 delim

The B verb is used to place a piece of text before the next occurrence of a specified piece of text.


This will copy the input line up to but excluding the text 'shore', then insert 'sea' into the output line. The cursor is left before the text 'shore' in the input line, although 'sea' has been placed in the output line.

When the line is displayed, the cursor character ( | ) is now positioned under the letter "s" of the text "shore".

As with the A verb an R qualifier causes the two strings to interpreted as regular expressions - see section 5.7 for details.

5.4.3 C - Create a new macro


    C Macro-name/Substitution?-markerNumber-of-args/Macro?-body

The C verb is used to create or redefine a Macro. The definition is terminated by a newline. C must therefore be the last verb in a command line.


    a name of  any  length  of  which  the  first  4  characters  are


    any character not used as itself in the macro body which acts  as
    a signal to indicate argument substitution.


    a digit in the range 0 to 9 specifying the number of arguments to
    be picked up when the macro is called.


    any sequence of G verbs terminated by a newline.

As an example, here is a macro that will change all occurrences of a target string to a second string starting at the current line in the file to the end of the file. This is a pre-defined macro.

    c c/#2/ (tc/#1/  (r/#1/#2/).e  t)e @

This creates a macro called 'c' which accepts two arguments and may be called as follows


the above will change all occurrences of the string "public" to the string "private" from the current line to the end of the file.

The G verb LM may be used to display a list of the pre-defined macros and any others created.

5.4.4 D - Display values

The D verb may be used to Display text and numbers on the terminal. It is intended to allow user interaction and comfort messages from within a batch edit.

The verb has exactly the same syntax as the I (insert) verb below except that the A, B and ! options are not supported, and there is a new option DP which causes the editor to pause until the user has hit return. Apart from that, D may be thought of as an I verb that sends text to the screen rather than the output file.

For example:

    d/About? to delete fred.c//Press? control-C to abort///
    dx/07/ dp
    !rm fred.c

Dx/07/ outputs the ASCII "bell" character to wake up the user. Dc{07} could also have been used.

Of course D, like I, may be used in a loop


outputs a row of asterisks, and

    (d{x++ % 10})*80

outputs a row of digits as a template.

5.4.5 E - End the edit

The E verb causes the editor to complete the edit and write to the specified file. Until this verb (or the Save) verb) is used, all edits performed have been performed on internal work files. You may therefore, if you wish, use the Q (Quit) verb and leave your file unchanged.

The E verb copies any lines remaining in your file to the new file, and then copies the entire new file to your specified disk file.

5.4.6 F - Forget last command

The F verb undoes the effect of the previous command line. The F verb is able to undo the effect of all G verbs, except M(MERGE), S(SAVE), U(USE), X(Exit), T-n and T#n where n <= current line number because the above verbs themselves alter the information used by F. This is also true for screen editor home area commands.

Certain G verbs do not update the file position information if they appear as the first verb in a command line. They are L, *, = and F itself. This is to allow you to look ahead in the file without committing yourself to keeping the effect of the previous command line.

5.4.7 G - Edit another file


    G g-command-line

The G verb is identical to the G editor invocation itself. In fact it merely invokes the G editor as a separate task. This is very useful for such activities as processing lint output for multiple files. Pipe the lint output into G, e.g. "lint *.c | g" and go down the listing using the G verb to edit files in error.

The G verb is terminated by a newline. G must therefore be the last verb in a command line.

The "grep" command also works in the same way.

5.4.8 H - Help


    H [option letter]

The H verb displays on the screen a limited amount of information about G. These 'memory joggers' are not a substitute for this manual, they are quick references in the form of small tables.

On UNIX or 32bit MSDOS, help displays the following table:

    ha ... The Arithmetic subsystem
    hd ... G Delimiters
    he ... List the available End-points
    hl ... Line-Editor key strokes
    hm ... The pre-defined Macros
    hr ... Summary of the Regular Expression syntax
    hs ... Shorthand forms
    hv ... Context-Editor Verbs
    hw ... Screen-Editor key strokes

After which typing "hw" lists the WordStar screen editing keys. The 16bit MSDOS version of G only provides help on the screen editor.

5.4.9 I - Insert

The I verb may be used to insert a string at the current cursor position in the line as follows:

    i/a string/

To insert a new line at the current cursor position you must double up the delimiter as below. This causes the text up to the current cursor position to be written to the file, and the remaining text moved to the beginning of the input line.


To insert a string, a newline, and another string you may use:

    i/now for a new line//this carries on/

G calls the above type of insertion a multirecord insert. You may insert any number of records using this technique, subject only to the maximum length of a G command line.

The I verb may also be used to insert lines before the current pointer position as follows, although the IA and IB verbs are usually used for inserting a block of lines.

    i/here is line one
    /here is line two
    /this is left in the edit buffer/

The delimiter at the start of each line is a prompt printed by G. To finish a multiple line insert you must type a line that finishes with the delimiter.

Other forms of the insert verb

IA, IB - Insert After or Before the current line.

The IA verb inserts a block of lines after the current line and leaves the editor positioned at the start of the next line.

The IB verb inserts a block of lines before the current line and leaves the editor positioned at the start of the current line.

To identify that it is the IA or IB verb which is requesting input, each outputs a special prompt A? or B? for each line of text. Input is finished when you type a null line.

Both the IA and IB verbs return to process the rest of the verbs on the current command line when insertion is finished. For example

    tc/main(/  l0  ib  tc/sub1(/  l0  ib  ia

will copy to a line containing "main(" list it, and accept input to be placed before it. Next, it will copy to a line containing "sub1(" list it, and insert lines before and after it.

The IA and IB verbs may be followed by a $ to produce a column numbered template. You then simply need to align the insertion that you type under the columns of the template.

I[C]{ numerical expression } - Insert a number.

This form of the I verb inserts the result of the numerical expression in the curly brackets into the file starting at the current position. Floating point calculations may be used. To line-number a file for example:

    ( i{#+1} i/ / t )e

This phrase inserts the current line number which is represented in the calculator as a variable named '#', in front of every line followed by a single space. Remember that G line numbers start from zero, hence the '+1'. See section 5.6 for details of arithmetic in G. If the result of the expression is integer you may choose the format of the inserted number. For example it is possible to specify a field width, leading zeros, and left or right alignment. The N verb is used to control the format. The opposite action to this - read a number from the text into a calculator variable - is achieved with a built in macro called ".num".

The "C" option here causes a simple insertion (one byte) of the binary value resulting from the expression. To insert the "alphabet" for example:

    {c = 'A'} ( ic{c++} )*26

Within an expression, the variable '*' contains the value of the character in front of the G pointer. To replace it, you have to insert the new value and then delete the old. For example the parity bit may be cleared throughout a file with:

    ((ic{ * & 0x7F } p.1).e t)e    /* part of the .clear macro */

or alphabetic characters converted to upper case with:

    ic{ * >= 'a' && * <= 'z' ? * + ('a' - 'A') : * } p.1

In practice, case conversion is much simpler with Regular Expression replacement (see the .u and .l macros).

I!process - Insert the standard output of a process.

The process may be given as a simple UNIX command, or it may be any UNIX shell command line enclosed in quotes. For example:

    i!`grep "^[0-9]" fred.doc`

while editing "fred.doc" might be used to collect all section headings into one place.


inserts the current date and time.

    i!"ls *.c | sort"

inserts a sorted list of file names before the current line.

This option is not supported on DOS.

IX/string/ - Insert a hexadecimal string.

"string" may contain any values. If a newline character (0x0A) is inserted, the line is split and is equivalent to i////.

    IF   -   insert filename (the "old" file).

    ID   -   insert date and time.

This is the same as I!date except that no newline is appended and is much faster (and is supported on MSDOS).

5.4.10 J - Join



This verb joins the next line to the end of the current line with exactly one space separating the last word in the current line from the first word of what was the next line.

To join lines without altering spacing, the commands:

    t.e p

may be used instead.

The special case J0 is taken to mean "join the current line to itself", that is, to duplicate it.

5.4.11 K - Kill


    K line-endpoint

The K verb allows you to delete the current line and optionally lines from the input file. There is no effect on the position of the output file. The cursor position is left at the start of the line. This differs from the P verb only in that it does an initial T.#0. This ensures that whole lines are deleted.

It is not possible to Kill backwards. Column endpoints are not meaningful and are not permitted. `K0` is permitted but serves only to move the pointer to the start of the line, no lines are deleted (equivalent to T.#0).

5.4.12 L - List


    L forwards-line-endpoint

The L verb allows you to list the current line and optionally lines from the input file. There is no effect on the position of either the input or output file.

To list the current line, use `L0`. This line may be in a partially edited form, in which case its current content is listed.

The L verb is also used to turn on or off a listing switch for G produced messages, and to display various information.

None of the column end-points are supported, and it is not possible to list backwards.

Syntax of L verbs for other functions

LON - turn system message listing on - it is turned off by the
	  system when G commands are being read from  an  Edit  file,
	  and back on again when input returns to the terminal. It is
	  also turned off while in the Screen editor.

LOFF - turn system message listing off.

LM - list the definitions of all macros.

LD - display details of all open files.

LH - list the command history.

LS - display statistics (words, sentences etc.) of the old file.

LX - display the current line in hexadecimal. The ASCII values

	  and offsets are also displayed.

L0 - is a special endpoint that lists the current line out in

	  its  entirety  and without the leading two spaces.  L0 does
	  not  try  to  make  any  control  characters  in  the  line
	  printable.  Thus "(l0 t)e" prints the complete file exactly
	  as is.

5.4.13 M - Merge from file


    M filename or M ! command

The M verb permits the inclusion of text from other files before the current cursor position. It is possible to nest merge files to any depth.

Each time the M verb is used, the state of the current input file is saved and the specified file opened in its place. G positions its line pointer at line zero of the new input file. You may use any G verb to manipulate a merge file except T-n or T#n with 'n' less than current line number.

The XM verb is used to close the most recently opened merge file. XM does not copy the lines remaining in the merge file but simply closes the merge file and then restores the state of the previous input file. The cursor is left in the position it was in before the XM command was issued, making it possible to merge individual characters from a file.

The E verb will cause all lines remaining in each open merge file to be copied to the output file in turn starting from the most recently opened merged file to the original input file.

The following example places 5 lines of text from file1, 7 lines from file2, the remainder of the text from file1 and some input from the terminal before the current line.

    mfile1 t5 mfile2 t7 xm te xm ib

If the filename is omitted, the transient file is merged from. It is also possible to merge from the output of a command:


inserts a calendar for the current month into the file. This is the the same as the I! verb, but instead of inserting the entire output of the command, with 'm' and 'x' you can choose to insert selected portions of it, repeat parts, or insert text part way through.

It is not possible to edit a merge file with the screen editor. This means in practice that all save and merge operations must be complete before re-entry into the screen editor. For example:

    mmain.c te xm

is fine from the screen editor home area, but:

    mmain.c t50

alone is not, the edit will be left in line mode.

5.4.14 N - Numbers


    N or Nformat

Listings resulting from the L verb may have line numbers down the left hand edge of the screen. This feature is switched on and off with the N verb. Line numbering is switched on by the first use of N, and off again by the second, that is, it acts as a toggle.

The effect of the N verb is different if an argument is given. N now alters format of numbers printed. It also affects the result of the I verb when the result of a numeric expression is to be inserted. The argument in this case is a 'C' language printf style format for an integer field of the form:


The number is normally printed in a field <digits> wide right justified and space filled. A hyphen causes left justification. If the digits start with a zero leading zeros are printed instead of spaces. The default is simply to print the number in the minimum field width possible. Note that for expressions that result in a floating point value there is no choice of format.

    N06   Results in "000123" or "000000"

    N6    Results in "   123" or "     0"

    N-6   Results in "123   " or "0     "

    N1    Results in "123"    or "0"

    Nx    Results in "7b"     or "0"

    N04X  Results in "007B"   or "0000"

and so on.

5.4.15 O - Restart an edit session



The O verb restarts the edit with the file given as the argument. Any changes to the file are discarded. If no file is given, the original file (or the result of the last O command) is reloaded. In this case both the input and the output file names are unchanged. Otherwise the output file name is changed to be the same as the new input file name.

This verb is useful when viewing several files, when the original file name was mistyped (saves leaving and re-entering the editor), or when trying a complex context edit command. In the last case of course the command history is preserved so that (in screen mode) you can try a command, if it fails just type O, and F9 to recover the command. Edit the command in the normal way and try again.

5.4.16 P - Position


    P line-endpoint and/or column-endpoint

The P verb allows you to move forwards or backwards in the input file. By moving forwards you delete the lines you pass over as they are not written to the output file. By moving backwards you can access the original lines again allowing duplication or re-arrangement of lines. The pointer is always left at the start of the line. In the case of PE this is a line one past the last line of the file.

The P verb also allows you to move forwards or backwards in the current line. By moving forwards you delete the characters that you pass over as they are not copied to the output line. By moving backwards you can access the original characters again allowing duplication or re-arrangement of words.

P and T are the only verbs that permit the line and column parts of the endpoint to be combined, for example:

    ps/subroutine/  p.s

which skips all lines until a line whose first non-space characters are 'subroutine' and then skips the leading spaces, may be written as


5.4.17 Q - Quit

The Q verb abandons the current edit, leaving the files unchanged.

Use the Q verb after viewing a file or when an edit has gone badly wrong. In particular, when using G as a replacement for "more" or "pg" at the end of a pipe-line use the quit verb to stop G writing all the text to the screen.

5.4.18 R - Replace string1 with string2


    R [R] delim string1 delim string2 delim

The R verb is used to replace the next occurrence of a piece of text in the input line. The search starts from the current cursor position.


This will copy the input line up to the text 'sin(x)' delete it and then insert the text 'cos(x)' in its place in the output line.

The cursor is left immediately after the text 'sin(x)' in the input line.

The R verb also accepts the R qualifier to cause the two strings to be interpreted as regular expressions.

    ls  |  g '-(rr/.*/lp & -t&/ t)e e'  |  sh

This is a UNIX command to print all the files in a directory with the filename as the title on the cover sheet. Ls generates the list of names and pipes it through G acting as a filter. G converts each filename into an LP command with the title option (-t) set to the file name. At the end of the pipeline is a shell to execute the resultant list of commands.

Two more complicated examples of regular expressions follow:


forces all words in a file to be in lower case with an initial capital letter, and

    rr/\([a-z]*\) *\([a-z]*\)/\2 \1/

swaps adjacent words.

In general, there are some edits that fall naturally into the regular expression domain and others that are easier with standard George notation. The above two examples would be somewhat tedious using simple strings and P/T.

5.4.19 S - Save to file


    S option filename or S ! command

The save verb provides a method of saving chunks of text from your input file into an alternative output file. This makes cut and paste type operations possible without resort to complicated file positioning operations with P/T.

The format of the save verb is

    SNfilename  -  save  creating  a  New  file  or  overwriting  an
		   existing  file.   If  no  filename is given,  the
		   transient file is saved to.

    SAfilename  -  save Appending to an existing file (if  the  file
		   does not exist, it is created).

    S           -  save to the transient file (same as SN  with  the
		   filename omitted).

    SQ          -  quit  the current save file,  delete it and leave
		   the output file unchanged.

The save verb may be used to open several different files during a G edit and more than one save file may be open at the same time, nested to arbitrary depth. The most recently opened one is the current output file.

Each invocation of the save verb saves the position and state of the current input and output files before the specified output file is opened. When the save file is closed (see the XS verb) the saved state of the input and output files are restored.

The following example copies 9 lines from the current position in the input file and inserts them again 20 lines further along.

    s  t9  x  t20  m  te  x

It is also possible to save to the standard input of a command:

    s!lp t/end/ x

writes text up to a line starting with "end" to the printer. The command is specified in the same way as for the I and M verbs.


Neither the E verb nor transcribing to an earlier line are possible when a save file is open. It is not possible to *edit* a save file within the screen editor.

Because both the save and merge verbs save the state of the editor so that XS and XM can restore it, the S and XS, and M and XM verbs must be used as a matched pair. For example:

    SNfil1 Mfil2 TE XM XS   is legal


    SNfil2 Mfil1 TE XS XM

will produce an error message when the XS verb is encountered.

5.4.20 T - Transcribe


    T line-endpoint and/or column-endpoint

The T verb allows you to copy lines from the input to the output file. This copying operation is always carried out in a forwards direction. You may however specify a negative number of lines to transcribe or an absolute line number before the current line number. In this case the T verb is interpreted to mean: copy the input file to the output file, switch files and then transcribe to the implied or specified line in the new input file. The pointer is always left positioned at the start of the line. In the case of TE this will be a line one more than the true last line of the file.

The T verb also allows you to copy across characters from the current line. Transcribing to a column number previous to the current one causes G to copy across all characters remaining in the input line, it then repositions the pointer at the start of the resulting line, and transcribes to the specified column.

The line and character parts of the T verb may be combined, for example:

    t50  t.20

which copies 50 lines and then copies up to the 20th column may be written as


All combinations are accepted.

5.4.21 U - Use edit file


    U filename or U ! command

The Use verb enables you to execute G edit commands (which includes the macro creation verb "C" ) from a file.

The U verb may be followed by other G verbs on the command line. The G verbs on the command line are executed after the commands from the file have been executed. A use file may itself contain U verbs which may be nested to any depth.

The G command line

    Ueditfile1   Ueditfile2

will read commands from editfile1 and then read commands from editfile2 as expected.

Any syntax error detected in an editfile abandons all editfiles and returns to the terminal for input, as does pressing the break key.

Use or "edit" files have an extension ".g". If the filename is omitted the transient file is assumed.

Finally, here is a example of a real life edit file to do simple processing of WordStar documents for a particular printer. It also takes a prototype page header with "Page %p of %t" somewhere in it from the start of the file and introduces it at the start of each page (denoted by a ".pa" directive). In each header the "%p" is replaced by the page number and "%t" is replaced by the total number of pages in the document.

    ;   Process simple WordStar document for an OKI laser printer.
    ;   Macro to process page headers
    cpage/%0/ ix/0C1B54/ mwsp.hed tc/%p/./%p/ p.2 i{++p} t./%t/ p.2
	      i{t} te xm ix/1B49/ t
    ;   Save the header in a temp file and replace with .pa in file
    snwsp.hed t/.eh/ xs p/.eh/ p.3 i/.pa/ t#0
    ;   Count pages
    {t=0} (t/.pa/ {++t} t)e t#0
    ;   Insert page throws and page headers.
    {p=0} (t/.pa/ p.e .page t)e t#0
    ;   Bold sequences
    (tx/02/ (t.x/02/ p.1 ix/1B54/ t.x/02/ p.1 ix/1B49/).e t)e t#0
    ;   Underlining
    (tx/13/ (t.x/13/ p.1 ix/1B43/ t.x/13/ p.1 ix/1B44/).e t)e
    ;   Final formfeed
    ; delete the header temp file
    !rm wsp.hed

Like the I, M, and S verbs, U accepts a system command instead of a filename.

5.4.22 V - Verify

V verb is used to check your position or data. Within a conditional clause it is used to set the error flag without taking any action. Outside of a conditional (e.g. outside of brackets), V generates an error message and aborts the command on failure and does nothing for success. It thus acts as an assertion.

V accepts most endpoints with the following meanings. References to "number" mean one or more decimal digits or any numeric expression enclosed in {}.

number the check returns success for any non-zero number,

	    failure otherwise.  This is very useful if "number" is an
	    expression, when the all the 'C' relational operators may
	    be used.  V0 may be used to force a failure condition.

  1. number success if the input file record number is exactly

Onumber ... the output file record number is exactly "number".

/string/ ... the line starts with string.

S/string/ ... the line's first non-space characters are string.

C/string/ ... the line contains string.

F/string/ ... the line ends with string.

R/string/ ... the line matches the Regular Expression.

E ... that the editor is at EOF.

The string type endpoints accept the usual options (X, I and N). The column versions of these endpoints work as expected except that:

.S means check that the next character is a space.

.-S means check that the previous character is a space.

5.4.23 W - Display Window around current line

The W verb displays the current line with eight lines of text from the output file before it, and eight lines of text from the input file after it. This is useful in line mode to see the context of the current line.

5.4.24 X - Exit Merge/Save?/Use?


    X option

The X verb is always used in combination with a file M, S or U.

The format of the X verb is

XS - close the currently open save file

XM - close the currently open merge file

X - close the most recently opened save or merge file

XU - close the currently open use file (e.g. "return" from an edit


XT - the transient file becomes the currently open save file

       any disk file given as an argument to the original save
       verb is untouched.

XQ - close the currently open save file and discard its contents.

X|delim command delim

    This option feeds the saved text into the standard input  of  the
    "command".  The same number of records are skipped in the the old
    file (deleted).  Standard output from the command is then written
    to  the  new file.  This has the effect of filtering text through
    the command. The UNIX sort command is the obvious candidate here.
    For  example:   s  t50  x|"sort -rn" sorts the next 50 records in
    reverse numeric order. The delimiters may be omitted for a simple
    command, for example x|sort. It is recommended that only a simple
    T verb be used between the S and the X.  This verb is most easily
    and  usefully  called  from the screen editor via ^K|.  X| is not
    available on MSDOS.

Trying to close a file that hasn't been opened or closing files in the wrong order draws an explanatory error message from the editor.

5.4.25 Y - Translate text


    Y delim string1 delim string2 delim

The Y verb translates one character. The character is copied from the old file to the new file and should it occur in string1, it is replaced with the character in the corresponding position in string2.

    ((y/;:.,?/     /).e  t)e

replaces punctuation with spaces in the file.

5.5 Supplementary Commands

5.5.1 . - Call a macro


The . verb is used to invoke a previously defined macro command.

Macro-name a name of any length of which the first 4 characters

	      are significant.

/Arg1?...Arg9/ a possibly empty list of string arguments. If there are

	      no arguments,  there must be  no  delimiter  after  the
	      macro-name. The number of arguments must agree with the
	      number specified in the definition.

Related G verbs

C - Create or redefine a macro.

LM - List all macros currently defined.

5.5.2 : - Screen Editor

Colon is used to switch between the screen and single line mode of working and vice-versa. An implicit : is assumed on invocation of the editor unless a edit command (-c option) is given on the shell command line. However, it is possible to execute some commands before entering the screen editor:

    g design.doc -t500,:

starts editing at line 500 for example.

5.5.3 ! - Execute system command

This is a means of escaping to the host operating system and executing a command there. For example:

    !mail fred

might be useful in the middle of an edit. A very common usage is to invoke the editor itself. In this case, the '!' may be omitted - see the G verb. (In fact this works for any command starting with 'g' - grep being the obviously useful example). In all cases command is taken to be the rest of the command line, so '!' must be the last command on the line. If no command is given, an interactive shell is spawned. Upon exit from the shell (^D or exit), you are prompted before the screen is refreshed.

5.5.5 @ - Return to previous position

This is shorthand for the very commonly used t#{@} sequence. The editor always leaves the file pointer wherever it was on completion of the command. If it is desired to view the results of the command the @ may be used as a short cut back to the position in the file when the command line commenced. Although this is most commonly used from the screen editor where the results of the command line may be immediately displayed, it is also used by built in macros such as ".c". This is one of many shorthand forms described in section 5.8.

5.5.6 $ - Scale

This verb has a toggle action, use it once to switch on the column numbered scale and a second time to turn it off. It is only used in line mode. Followed by a single digit, it switches the portion of the line to be displayed.

5.5.7 =, * - History

An '=' (equals) as the first and only letter on a command line causes the previous command line to be re-executed. A '*' (asterisk) has the same effect, but does a T1 (Transcribe one line) first. The new state is not remembered, so it is possible to return all the way back to the edit state when the original command was given with the Forget verb.

5.5.8 ; - Comment

Any command line starting with a semicolon ';' is discarded by G which just goes on to read the next command. This is very useful for documenting batch edit files. The semicolon is also used as the conditional separator within parenthesised command lists.

5.6 {} - Arithmetic

This provides a calculator facility. The result of the expression may be displayed for information, that is, used as a desk calculator, or be discarded, in which case the expression is used for its side-effects such as setting or incrementing variables.

Expressions are enclosed within curly braces: "{ expression }". If the closing brace is omitted, the calculator goes into interactive mode. In this mode, the results are displayed in several formats and the user may type in any number of expressions. The calculator exits when a null (empty) command is given or then a closing curly brace is typed.

When a closing brace is given and the expression fits on one command line the result is computed silently.

All the operators standard in the language C are available, including the query ('?' ':') and comma ','. The operators have the same precedence (priority) as in C. Parentheses may be used to force evaluation in a particular order and may be nested to arbitrary depth.

The calculator operates on integer (32 bit), and real (64 bit) operands. The data type is determined from the numbers given, the usual rules for expressing numbers apply. If the data types are mixed all integer operands are promoted to real before execution. Expressions whose value is to be used as an endpoint and with a floating point result are truncated to an integer.

There are 26 variables for storage of results and some pre-defined constants. All variables are initialised to zero on entry to the editor but retain their values between calls to the calculator. The names available are:

    a ... z
    A ... Z   user settable variables.  Case is not significant.

    .         is assigned the result of the previous expression,
	      useful for chain calculations.

    #         is the current record number (in the old file).

    $         is the record number of the last record in the file.

    @         is the record number that was current when the command
	      line execution started.

    &         is the record number in the new or output file.

    *         is  the  numerical  value  of  the  character at the G

    ..        one extra variable for use within macros (see the .num
	      macro for example).

The four variables `#`, `@`, `&` and `$` may be prefixed with a dot (.) to return the current column number, the column that was current when the command line execution commenced, the column number in the new file, and finally the column number of the end of the line (in the old file). These are useful when the result of the expression is to provide an intra line endpoint. The 26 named variables may be used to mark positions in the file for later use:

    {a=#}  ...  t#{a}

Numeric operands follow the rules for the C language. In addition, it is possible to enter numbers in Roman numerals (introduced with '0r' similar to the 0x used for hexadecimal), and binary (introduced with '0b'). Numbers may also be given as an ASCII character in single quotes (the standard C escape characters may be used) so that for example: 'a' + 2 gives the result 'c'.

If the result is of type real, the number is displayed in the 'C' language "%.14g" format (14 significant figures precision), otherwise the number is displayed in as many different formats and radices as will fit on the output line:

{ 0 ==> Bin: 00, Oct: 0, Dec: 0, Hex: 00, ASCII: NUL, Roman: nihil { 2 + 2 ==> Bin: 0100, Oct: 4, Dec: 4, Hex: 04, ASCII: EOT, Roman: IV { . + 70 ==> Bin: 01001010, Oct: 112, Dec: 74, Hex: 4A, ASCII: 'J', Roman: LXXIV { . + 1000 ==> Bin: 010000110010, Oct: 2062, Dec: 1074, Hex: 0432, Roman: MLXXIV { . + 100000 ==> Oct: 305322, Dec: 101074, Hex: 018AD2, Roman: numerus negatus { . + 100000000 ==> Oct: 575665722, Dec: 100101074, Hex: 05F76BD2 { 198.34 ==> 198.34 { . * 1000 ==> 198340 { . + 1e14 ==> 1.0000000019834e+014 { }

The 16bit MSDOS version of G only supports floating point arithmetic if the maths co-processor hardware is present (e.g. 287, 387, 486DX or Pentium).

5.7 Regular Expressions

The G editor supports the "regular expression" (RE) notation; regular expressions are used in endpoints and in some commands (e.g., A, B and R) to specify portions of a line. A regular expression (RE) specifies a set of character strings. A member of this set of strings is said to be "matched" by the RE. The RE's allowed by G are constructed as follows:

The following "one-character" RE's match a single character:

1.1 An ordinary character (not one of those discussed in 1.2 below)

      is a one-character RE that matches itself.

1.2 A backslash (\) followed by any special character is a

      one-character RE that matches the special character itself. The
      special characters are:

      a.   ., *, [, and \ (period, asterisk, left square bracket, and
	   backslash,   respectively),   which  are  always  special,
	   except  when  they appear within square brackets ([];  see
	   1.4 below).

      b.   ^  (caret  or  circumflex),   which  is  special  at   the
	   beginning of an entire RE (see 3.1 and 3.2 below), or when
	   it immediately follows  the  left  of  a  pair  of  square
	   brackets ([]; see 1.4 below).

      c.   $  (dollar),   which is special at the end of an entire RE
	   (see 3.2 below).

1.3 A backslash followed by one of abfnrtv represents a Bell,

      Backspace,  Formfeed,  Newline,  Return,  Tab,  or Vertical Tab
      character respectively. The sequence \xHH (backslash x followed
      by  two  hexadecimal  digits)  is   used   to   represent   the
      corresponding ASCII character.  Note that the Newline character
      will not normally be found in a G record.

1.4 A period (.) is a one-character RE that matches any character.

1.5 A non-empty string of characters enclosed in square brackets

      ([])  is  a  one-character RE that matches any one character in
      that string.  If, however, the first character of the string is
      a  circumflex  (^),  the one-character RE matches any character
      except the remaining characters in the string.  The ^ has  this
      special  meaning  only  if  it occurs first in the string.  The
      hyphen (-) may be used to indicate a range of consecutive ASCII
      characters;   for  example [0-9] is equivalent to [0123456789].
      The - loses this special meaning if it occurs first  (after  an
      initial  ^  if  any)  or  last in the string.  The right square
      bracket (]) does not terminate such a string  when  it  is  the
      first  character  within it (after an initial ^ if any);  e.g.,
      []a-f] matches either a right square bracket (]) or one of  the
      letters  a  through  f inclusive.  The characters listed in 1.2
      above stand for themselves within such a string of characters.

The following rules may be used to construct RE's from one-character RE's:

2.1 A one-character RE is a RE that matches whatever the

      one-character RE matches.

2.2 A one-character RE followed by an asterisk (*) is a RE that

      matches  zero  or more occurrences of the one-character RE.  If
      there is a choice,  the longest leftmost string that permits  a
      match is chosen.

2.3 A one-character RE followed by \{m\}, \{m,\}, or \{m,n\} is a

      RE that matches a range of occurrences of the one-character RE.
      \{m\} matches exactly m occurrences;  \{m,\} matches at least m
      occurrences;  \{m,n\} matches any number of occurrences between
      m and n inclusive.  Whenever a choice exists, the RE matches as
      many occurrences as possible.

2.4 The concatenation of RE's is a RE that matches the

      concatenation  of  the strings matched by each component of the

2.5 A RE enclosed between the character sequences \( and \) is a RE

      that matches whatever the unadorned RE matches.

2.6 The expression \n matches the same string of characters as was

      matched  by an expression enclosed between \( and \) earlier in
      the same RE. Here n is a digit; the sub-expression specified is
      that beginning with the n'th occurrence of \( counting from the
      left.  For example,  the expression ^\(.*\)\1$ matches  a  line
      consisting only of two repeated appearances of the same string.

A RE may be constrained to match words.

3.1 \< constrains a RE to match the beginning of a line or to

      follow a character that is not a digit, underscore,  or letter.
      The   first   character  matching  the  RE  must  be  a  digit,
      underscore, or letter.

3.2 \> constrains a RE to match the end of a line or to precede a

      character that is not a digit, underscore, or letter.

Finally, an entire RE may be constrained to match only an initial segment or final segment of a line (or both).

4.1 A circumflex (^) at the beginning of an entire RE constrains

      that RE to match an initial segment of a line.

4.2 A currency symbol ($) at the end of an entire RE constrains

      that RE to match a final segment of a line.

4.3 The construction ^entire RE$ constrains the entire RE to match

      the entire line.

The null RE (e.g., //) is equivalent to the last RE encountered.

The commands A, B and R require a second (replacement) string to be specified. Certain characters are special in this string only if the R qualifier is used. These are:

4.1 An ampersand (&) appearing in the replacement is replaced by

      the  entire  string  matched  in  the  left  hand  side  of the
      replacement.  The special meaning of & in this context  may  be
      suppressed by preceding it by a \.

4.2 As a more general feature, the characters \n, where n is a

      digit,  are replaced by the text matched by  the  n'th  regular
      subexpression  of  the specified RE enclosed between \( and \).
      When nested parenthesised subexpressions  are  present,   n  is
      determined  by  counting  occurrences  of  \( starting from the

4.3 When the character % is the only character in the replacement,

      the  replacement  used in the most recent A,  B or R command is
      used as the replacement in the current command. The % loses its
      special meaning when it is in a replacement string of more than
      one character or is preceded by a \.

4.4 Similarly, if the character

is the only character in the
      replacement, the unexpanded replacement used in the most recent
      A, B or R command is used for the current command.  The 
loses its special meaning when it is in a replacement string of more than one character or is preceded by a \.

4.5 A backslash followed by one of abfnrtv0 represents a Bell,

      Backspace, Formfeed, Newline, Return, Tab, Vertical Tab, or NUL
      character respectively.  The special case \n causes the line to
      be split, equivalent to the I//// operation.  The sequence \xHH
      (backslash x followed by two hexadecimal  digits)  is  used  to
      denote the corresponding ASCII character.

4.6 A backslash followed by one of ULeul controls case conversion.

      The sequence \u converts all following alphabetic characters to
      upper-case.  Similarly, \l converts to lower-case,  and \e ends
      case  conversion.   To  convert just the following character to
      upper-case, use \U similarly for \L. For example, to capitalise
      a word, use: rr/\<[A-Za-z]*\>/\U\l&/ .

An abbreviated list of the RE metacharacters is available from the 'hr' verb (Help Regular-Expressions) on UNIX and 32bit DOS.

5.8 Shorthand Forms

There are a number of abbreviations possible for common positioning operations.

number (In the screen editor only.)

		Position  the  first  line  of the window on the line
		"number" given.  Equivalent to:  T#number.

  1. number Same as above, but may be used from the context
		editor command line.  "number" defaults to zero.

+/-number Move the window backwards or forwards in the file by

		number  lines.  Equivalent to:  T+/-number.  "number"
		defaults to one.

/string Move the window forwards to the first line found that

		matches "string".  The string is a Regular Expression
		and is terminated by the  end  of  the  command  line
		(thus  it  must  be  the  last  command on the line).
		Equivalent  to  "TR/string/"  except  that  the   '/'
		character  may  be used within the string so that for
		example  "//return"  searches  for  the   next   line
		containing  a  /.   Remember  also  that  a  single /
		continues  the  search   using   the   last   Regular
		Expression used.

?string This is identical to the "/string" command except

		that the search starts at the beginning of the  file.
		Equivalent to: "T#0 TR/string/".

^string Identical to the "/string" command except that

		"string" is only matched at  the  start  of  a  line.
		Equivalent to: "TR/^string/".

@ Returns to the position in the file when the command

		started.   This  is  very useful on the screen editor
		command line.  Equivalent to:  "T#{@}".  For example:
		(i/  /  t)s/}/  @ indents the statements within a a C
		block and then returns to the  starting  point.   The
		text simply shifts across on the screen.

5.9 Environment

The G editor has the ability to remember the exact state of itself and your files before you execute any command line. This is implemented by saving the file control information for the primary files.

This state can be retrieved by using the F (forget) verb, which cancels all the changes made by a previous G command line by simply reinstating the primary file control blocks.

This implementation, although simple and fast, has one major limitation: it cannot save the state of the editor across a wrap round through line zero. Wrap round occurs when an attempt is made to transcribe to a previous position in the file. The remainder of the file is copied, the two primary files switch roles and copying continues up to the point specified. When the two primary files switch roles, the saved information becomes invalid and is re-saved by the editor. This limitation is particularly important within the screen editor since any backward movement (scrolling etc.) involves a file switch.

The table following explains how G classifies each command line given to it by its first character, this character determines the mode of the line and from this decides whether to save the editor's state and/or save a copy of the G command line.

First character on command line | Files saved | | Editor Command saved | | | Result of command | | | | ; NO NO Comment line

$ NO NO Displays template followed by current line.

$0 to $9 NO NO Displays selected portion of line

2 spaces YES NO Calls line editor

F NO NO Forgets a faulty edit

H NO NO Displays help text

RETURN NO NO Advances 1 line (T1)

YES NO Enters screen editor

E YES NO End the edit and save result

Q NO NO Abandon the edit

C NO YES Macro definition, Calculator

Other YES YES Calls editor to execute command

6. The Line Editor

The line editor function of G allows you to insert, delete and replace characters in a line. It is useful for teletypes and other dumb terminals, or when the terminal type is incorrect or not yet set up. This feature is available during line mode working.

When G prompts you for input it first displays a 76 character portion of the current line. If you type a command line beginning with two spaces G calls the line editor. Each character that you type is interpreted by the line editor in the following way:

- (hyphen or minus sign)

   delete the character directly above the minus sign

% (percent)

   replace the character above with a space

^ (caret or circumflex)

   insert  all  the  characters following the ^ into the line at this
   point (this is, before the character pointed to). If no characters
   follow  the  ^  ,   the  line is written to the file followed by a
   newline up to but excluding the point indicated  by  the  ^  (thus
   splitting the line).

! (exclamation mark)

   replace the  remainder  of  this  line  with  all  the  characters
   following.  If no characters follow the !  ,  the remainder of the
   line is simply discarded.


   if  the  escape character is typed before any of the above special
   characters they temporarily loose their special  significance  and
   behave as any other character as described below.


   used for positioning.  If you space past the last character  of  a
   line, the line will be extended.

Any other character will cause line edit to replace the character above with the character specified.

If the first and only character typed on a G command line is a digit, this is interpreted as a request to switch portions of the current line. You are therefore able to line edit any part of a 760 character line. If you type a digit which specifies a portion in which no text exists, G interprets this as a request to find the character pointer.

6.1 The Prompt

When G prompts you for input it first displays a 76 character portion of the current line. The following format is used

    Line 27.14
    0 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
    *               |

The first line gives file and position information. If the current primary files are "Merged" or "Saved" files, details of these are displayed too. The numbers following the word "Line" are the G line and column number. This number starts at 0 and is incremented for each line/column read from the file.

The second line is a 76 character portion of the current line. The digit at the start of the line indicates which portion of the line is being displayed. This digit is 0 for the first portion. The presence of a < sign in column 2 indicates that the cursor is in a previous portion. The presence of a > sign in column 2 indicates that the cursor is in a subsequent portion.

The third line is the command line. Superimposed upon it may be a | which indicates the position of the cursor. The | points to the next character that would be encountered by a G verb such as R(replace).

At end of file, a slightly simpler message form is displayed.

    End of file encountered following line 142.

Again, details of Merge and Save files will be printed.

7. Built in Macros

A number of useful macros are pre-defined within the editor and are available automatically on start up.

  .c/str1/str2/         Change str1 to str2 from here on (simple)

  .r/RE1/RE2/           Change str1 to str2 from here on (RE)

  .tpri/lines/cols/ff/  Paginated,    line-numbered  listings,   with
			"lines" per page,  headings "cols" wide,  and
			ff=1 formfeeds between pages or (ff=0) not.

  .clean                Clear  the  parity bit from entire file,  and
			then delete any unprintable characters

  .lis/string/          List all lines containing string (case ign.)

  .grep/RE/             List all lines matching RE

  .u                    Convert line to upper case

  .l                    Convert line to lower case

  .hex                  Convert line to hexadecimal

  .num/variable/        Read a number into variable from the text

  .ph/command/          Delete from start of file to here

  .main                 Create a template ANSI 'C' program

  .tss/command/         Execute system command

The command LM (List Macros) command lists the actual definitions of these macros, while the HM (Help Macros) command displays the above table as a memory jogger.

8. Binary Data

G is designed for normal ASCII text such as program source or documents and not binary data such as compiled object code. On this basis, it does a number of unsolicited transformations to the data in files and in particular it interferes with tabs. For files that are mostly text there are a number of facilities for viewing and manipulating control characters.

8.1 Display

Any character deemed unprintable is converted to a standard form for display. The only exception to this rule is the L0 command which always prints the current line untouched.

The editor supports 8 bit characters whose ordinal values may range from hexadecimal 00 to FF (0 to 255). Any character less that hexadecimal 20 (SPACE) or greater than 7E (TILDE) is not generally printable. Such characters will be processed by the editor for display purposes by clearing the top three bits and then setting bit 6 to convert from the "control" character to its equivalent capital letter. Thus for example, the ASCII "BEL" character (hexadecimal 07) thought of as "control G" gets displayed as 'G'. In line mode working these characters are indistinguishable from ordinary capital letters, although it is normally obvious from the context which is which. In full screen mode however the capital letter is displayed in a different colour.

Two features permit the exact value of any character to be determined. On the status (top) line of the screen the editor always shows the binary value of the character under the cursor as two hexadecimal digits in brackets. For line mode working (and of course on the screen editors "home" command line) the command LX (List heXadecimal) will print the entire current line in hexadecimal with printable values and offsets.

8.2 Insertion

The insert verb I has an option X which permits the string argument to be interpreted as hexadecimal. All characters except the newline (hexadecimal 0A) are inserted untouched. Newlines inserted cause the record to be split at that point. Ic{ expr } buts the binary result of expr, truncated to 8 bits into the file.

In the screen editor, the "control P" command may used to insert control characters only (in the range 00 to 1F). For example ^PG inserts the BEL character at the cursor position.

The A, B and R verbs with the R qualifier (regular expression) accept arbitrary binary values with the "\xHH" notation to insert the hexadecimal value HH or for common values, the usual notation \n, \t, \r etc.

On the screen editor command line control P may also be used to place control characters in string arguments.

8.3 Searching

All commands that accept a string value as an endpoint will also accept an X qualifier (like the I insert verb) which indicates that the string is supplied in hexadecimal notation. Note that Regular Expressions are terminated by a NUL byte which should therefore be avoided.

On the screen editor command line, control P may be used to place control characters in strings to be matched.

8.4 Transformations

The following actions are taken by the editor on any file saved, even if no explicit edits are done.

  1.  Records  longer  than 1022 (16bit DOS) or 4317 (32bit and UNIX)
      characters long  cannot  be  handled  by  the  editor  and  are
      truncated on input (a warning is issued).

  2.  If  the final record in the file is not terminated by a newline
      character, a newline is appended.

  3.  Unless  the  -b option is used,  trailing spaces on records are
      deleted on input only  (which  allows  deliberate  creation  of
      files with trailing whitespace).

  4.  Unless  the  -b  option is used,  tabs are expanded in order to
      simplify searching and other operations. When a file is written
      to disk, all leading whitespace is compressed to tabs. (This is
      not done if the -b option is used).  The tab setting of  "every
      8" is an industry standard and is not alterable.

These actions make the editor unsuitable for pure binary data.

8.5 Parity

With future use of international variants of the ASCII character set in mind, G supports full 8 bit working. The editor does not acknowledge parity information and will treat 7 bit characters with the parity bit set as normal control characters. It is possible to clear or set the parity bit using the arithmetic option of the I verb. For example: ic{ * & 0x7F },p.1 copies one character from the old file to the new file and clears the parity bit on the way (setting parity is more difficult!). The ".clear" built in macro applies this to the entire file.

9. Limits

It is not possible to edit lines whose length is greater than 1022 (16bit DOS) or 4317 (32bit DOS and UNIX) characters. Lines longer than this in the input file are truncated and a warning issued. Other attempts to create or expand lines above this limit simply cause an error message.

The maximum file size allowed depends on the amount of memory and swap space available to the editor process. The 16bit DOS version only is limited to 32767 lines of text regardless of the total space. The UNIX and 32bit DOS versions are limited to over 1.3e9 records.

The total length of a filename path cannot be more than 256 chars.

Strings given as arguments to commands may not be more than 256 characters long.

Jeremy Hall, 1995 <jah@ilena.demon.co.uk>

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