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Difference (from revision 3 to current revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 1c1
"Full-Screen" or "Visual" text editors in the IbmEditorFamily have what is termed a "prefix area", which is a separate column from the file's text, in which "line mode" editing commands can be entered to insert, copy, move, delete or otherwise modify the file's content. In Xedit the area can be set to appear to the left or right of the file's text, or turned off; in Xedit it can be set to show line numbers, equal signs (=====) or spaces. In ICCF it is displayed on the right side of the screen and contains equal signs.
"Full-Screen" or "Visual" text editors in the IbmEditorFamily have what is termed a "prefix area", which is a separate column from the file's text, in which "line mode" editing commands can be entered to insert, copy, move, delete or otherwise modify the file's content.

Changed: 3c3,7
Built-In Line Commands
In Xedit the area can be set to appear to the left or right of the file's text (or turned off), and can be set to show line numbers, equal signs (=====) or spaces.

In ISPF/PDF it is displayed on the left and shows the line number; ICCF it is displayed on the right side of the screen and contains equal signs.

Built-In Line Commands

Changed: 6,11c10,15
|mark line | | | .xxxx |
|move cursor here | | / | / |
|shift column left | (nn | < | <nn |
|shift column right | )nn | > | >nn |
|shift data left | <nn | | |
|shift data right | >nn | | |
|mark line | | | .xxxx |
|move cursor here | | / | / |
|shift column left | (nn | < | <nn |
|shift column right | )nn | > | >nn |
|shift data left | <nn | | |
|shift data right | >nn | | |

Changed: 16,33c20,37
|display column Bounds| BOUNDS | | |
|Copy line(s) | Cnn | Cnn | Cnn |
|Copy block | CC | | CC |
|display Column scale | COLS | | SCALE |
|Delete line(s) | Dnn | Dnn | Dnn |
|Delete block | DD | | DD |
|Extend line | | | E |
|show First line(s) | Fnn | | |
|Following | | | F |
|Insert or Add line(s)| Inn | Ann | Inn,Ann |
|stacK line(s) | | Knn | |
|show Last line(s) | Lnn | | |
|Lowercase line(s) | LCnn | | Unn |
|Lowercase block | LCC | | UU |
|Move line(s) | Mnn | Mnn | Mnn |
|Move block | MM | | MM |
|display Mask | MASK | | |
|Make Data line(s) | MDnn | | |
|display column Bounds| BOUNDS | | |
|Copy line(s) | Cnn | Cnn | Cnn |
|Copy block | CC | | CC |
|display Column scale | COLS | | SCALE |
|Delete line(s) | Dnn | Dnn | Dnn |
|Delete block | DD | | DD |
|Extend line | | | E |
|show First line(s) | Fnn | | |
|Following | | | F |
|Insert or Add line(s)| Inn | Ann |Inn, Ann |
|stacK line(s) | | Knn | |
|show Last line(s) | Lnn | | |
|Lowercase line(s) | LCnn | | Unn |
|Lowercase block | LCC | | UU |
|Move line(s) | Mnn | Mnn | Mnn |
|Move block | MM | | MM |
|display Mask | MASK | | |
|Make Data line(s) | MDnn | | |

Changed: 35,43c39,46
|Overlay line | Onn | | Onn |
|Overlay line Keep | | OKnn | |
|Overlay block | OO | | OO |
|Overlay block Keep | OOK | | |
|Preceding | | | P |
|Repeat a line | Rnn | "nn | "nn |
|Repeat a block | RR | | "" |
|Show line(s) | Snn | Snn | Snn |
|show Tab positions | TABS | | TABS |
|Overlay line | Onn | | Onn |
|Overlay line Keep | OKnn | OKnn | |
|Overlay block | OO, OOK| | |
|Preceding | | | P |
|Repeat a line | Rnn | "nn | "nn |
|Repeat a block | RRnn | | ""nn |
|Show line(s) | Snn | Snn | Snn |
|show Tab positions | TABS | | TABS |

Changed: 46c49
|Text Entry | TE | | SI |
|Text Entry | TE | | SI |

Changed: 51,54c54,61
|Uppercase line(s) | UCnn | | Unn |
|Uppercase block | UCC | | UU |
|eXclude line(s) | Xnn | Xnn | Xnn |
|eXclude block | XX | XX | XX |
|Uppercase line(s) | UCnn | | Unn |
|Uppercase block | UCC | | UU |
|eXclude line(s) | Xnn | Xnn | Xnn |
|eXclude block | XX | XX | XX |

where nn is the number of lines affected. For Show Lines, in Xedit when nn is positive the first lines of an excluded group are shown; when negative, the last lines. The default for nn is 1 except for the ISPF/PDF shift commands, where it is 2.

In Xedit, nn may precede the line command.

Changed: 56,57c63
where nn is the number of lines affected. For Show Lines, in Xedit when nn is positive the first lines of an excluded group are shown; when negative, the last lines.
In Xedit, nn may precede the line command.
Xedit allows the user to mark a line with a symbolic name (xxxx) which may be used to refer to that line in primary (command line) commands.

"Full-Screen" or "Visual" text editors in the IbmEditorFamily have what is termed a "prefix area", which is a separate column from the file's text, in which "line mode" editing commands can be entered to insert, copy, move, delete or otherwise modify the file's content.

In Xedit the area can be set to appear to the left or right of the file's text (or turned off), and can be set to show line numbers, equal signs (=====) or spaces.

In ISPF/PDF it is displayed on the left and shows the line number; ICCF it is displayed on the right side of the screen and contains equal signs.

Built-In Line Commands

 |       Command       | ISPF/PDF |  ICCF   |  Xedit  |
 |mark line            |          |         |   .xxxx |
 |move cursor here     |          |    /    |   /     |
 |shift column left    |   (nn    |    <    |   <nn   |
 |shift column right   |   )nn    |    >    |   >nn   |
 |shift data left      |   <nn    |         |         |
 |shift data right     |   >nn    |         |         |
 |After line           |   A      |    A    |         |
 |After line Keep      |   AK     |         |         |
 |Before line          |   B      |    B    |         |
 |Before line Keep     |   BK     |         |         |
 |display column Bounds|   BOUNDS |         |         |
 |Copy line(s)         |   Cnn    |    Cnn  |   Cnn   |
 |Copy block           |   CC     |         |   CC    |
 |display Column scale |   COLS   |         |   SCALE |
 |Delete line(s)       |   Dnn    |    Dnn  |   Dnn   |
 |Delete block         |   DD     |         |   DD    |
 |Extend line          |          |         |   E     |
 |show First line(s)   |   Fnn    |         |         |
 |Following            |          |         |   F     |
 |Insert or Add line(s)|   Inn    |    Ann  |Inn, Ann |
 |stacK line(s)        |          |    Knn  |         |
 |show Last line(s)    |   Lnn    |         |         |
 |Lowercase line(s)    |   LCnn   |         |   Unn   |
 |Lowercase block      |   LCC    |         |   UU    |
 |Move line(s)         |   Mnn    |    Mnn  |   Mnn   |
 |Move block           |   MM     |         |   MM    |
 |display Mask         |   MASK   |         |         |
 |Make Data line(s)    |   MDnn   |         |         |
 |Make Data block      |   MDD    |         |         |
 |Overlay line         |   Onn    |         |   Onn   |
 |Overlay line Keep    |   OKnn   |    OKnn |         |
 |Overlay block        |   OO, OOK|         |         |
 |Preceding            |          |         |   P     |
 |Repeat a line        |   Rnn    |    "nn  |   "nn   |
 |Repeat a block       |   RRnn   |         |   ""nn  |
 |Show line(s)         |   Snn    |    Snn  |   Snn   |
 |show Tab positions   |   TABS   |         |   TABS  |
 |Text Align           |          |    TA   |         |
 |Text Center          |          |    TC   |         |
 |Text Entry           |   TE     |         |   SI    |
 |Text Flow            |   TF     |         |         |
 |Text Left justify    |          |    TL   |         |
 |Text Right justify   |          |    TR   |         |
 |Text Split           |   TS     |         |         |
 |Uppercase line(s)    |   UCnn   |         |   Unn   |
 |Uppercase block      |   UCC    |         |   UU    |
 |eXclude line(s)      |   Xnn    |    Xnn  |   Xnn   |
 |eXclude block        |   XX     |    XX   |   XX    |

where nn is the number of lines affected. For Show Lines, in Xedit when nn is positive the first lines of an excluded group are shown; when negative, the last lines. The default for nn is 1 except for the ISPF/PDF shift commands, where it is 2.

In Xedit, nn may precede the line command.

Xedit allows the user to mark a line with a symbolic name (xxxx) which may be used to refer to that line in primary (command line) commands.

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Last edited February 20, 2021 11:18 am (diff)