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Difference (from prior minor revision) (major diff, author diff)

Added: 7a8
Screenshot: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/92bd28e03427c2f7f1090a25206fe8006fcaaa13c0232c656a405ad655ee10af/687474703a2f2f7777772e666c6f707079736f6674776172652e65732f696d616765732f63706d2d74652e6a7067

Changed: 21c22
It can be easily adapted to a wide range of machines and/or operating systems, by editing a small source code file, in order to tell the program how to clear the screen, etc.
It can be easily adapted to a wide range of machines, by editing a small source code file, in order to tell the program how to clear the screen, etc.

Removed: 44,46d44


 TE is a text editor for CP/M.

 Author:   Miguel García / FloppySoftware?
 Homepage: http://www.floppysoftware.es/te.html
 Family:   TinyEditors, CPMEditorFamily, 8bitMicroFamily?, WordStarFamily
 Platform: CP/M
 License:  GNU General Public License (freeware)
 Screenshot: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/92bd28e03427c2f7f1090a25206fe8006fcaaa13c0232c656a405ad655ee10af/687474703a2f2f7777772e666c6f707079736f6674776172652e65732f696d616765732f63706d2d74652e6a7067

The te text editor is small, humble and useful.

It edits the full text in memory, so your system must leave enough free TPA for the text, after te is loaded and running.

It's screen oriented, and can be easily adapted to a lot of computers.

It has some useful functionalities for programmers:

It can be easily adapted to a wide range of machines, by editing a small source code file, in order to tell the program how to clear the screen, etc.

The TECF configuration tool is supplied in order to adjust some TE generic options to your taste, if needed, like key bindings, screen size, etc.

The CP/M version is developed using MESCC (Mike's Enhanced Small C Compiler - my own version of Small C).

Current CP/M adaptations are:

The source and binay projects files are at:


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Last edited October 30, 2021 2:14 pm (diff)