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Cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, offline-storage compatible, AngularJS?-powered HTML5 Markdown editor, with side-by-side editing and presentation.

 Author:     @joemccann
 Maintainer: @joemccann, @mrtnbroder, and Dillinger open source community
 Homepage: dillinger.io
 Download: source code from https://github.com/joemccann/dillinger
 Family:  HTMLEditorFamily
 License:  MIT
 Availability:  yes
 Platform:  Cloud-based
 Dillinger is a cloud-based HTML editor for Markdown, a lightweight markup language.

 Import a HTML file and watch it magically convert to Markdown
 Drag and drop images (requires your Dropbox account be linked)
 Import and save files from GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive and One Drive
 Drag and drop markdown and HTML files into Dillinger
 Export documents as Markdown, HTML and PDF

 Dillinger requires Node.js v10+ to run.


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Last edited January 8, 2023 1:49 pm (diff)