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Open source Gnu ARM development toolchain using [Eclipse]
Open source Gnu ARM development toolchain using Eclipse

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 Open source Gnu ARM development toolchain using [Eclipse]

 Author:   Michael Fischer
 Homepage: http://www.yagarto.de/index.html
 Family:   IDEFamily
 Platform: Windows, MAc OS/X, EclipseEclipse?
 License:  GPL
Why another GNU ARM toolchain?

Initially I was searching for a toolchain with the following features:

I found some native Windows toolchains based on MinGW?, but the GDB of these toolchains doesn't work properly under Eclipse. That's why I decide to create a new toolchain suited for my requirements. YAGARTO was born (in 2006).

YAGARTO is divided in three packages with the following components:


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Edited August 28, 2011 8:27 pm (diff)